SAP Connector V8.0.0
We upgrade our OS from 7.2.2 to V8.0.0. When compile all BR we found an error on a SAP Connector BR:
1) Error at line 92: 'CreateSAPConnection' is not a member of 'BRApiDatabase'
2) Warning at line 93: 'Function GetLiteralParameterValue(si As SessionInfo, isSystemLevel As Boolean, parameterName As String) As String' is obsolete: 'This is a temporary function used by Marketplace Solutions for backwards compatibility with old XF versions. Please change your code to use supported functionality.'."
We already copy dll files into the integration folder (sapnwrfc.dll and associated icudt50.dll, icuin50.dll, icuuc50.dll) and add on the Referenced Assemblies the "XF\ERPConnectStandard20.dll;XF\sapnwrfc.dll"
Looking into the BRApi functions of 7.2.2 we have a "CreateSAPConnection" that is no longer available on this new version:
Dim r3Conn As R3Connection = BRApi.Database.CreateSAPConnection(si, "ConnectionName", True)
Does anyone know which functions is replacing this one?
Thanks a lot!