Forum Discussion

bennovak's avatar
New Contributor III
11 months ago

Special Characters limitations in connection string

Hi Community,  does anyone have a list of special characters that OneStream does not allow to be used in passwords for service accounts used for direct connections?   

Thank you

  • JackLacava's avatar
    Honored Contributor

    Can you describe a bit better what you mean by "direct connections"? Is it Database Connections configured in Application Configuration?

    • bennovak's avatar
      New Contributor III

      Hi Jack, we are establishing a database connection to an oracle database.  As part of this process, we must load in the connection string for the oracle database, and a portion of that string is the service account name and service account password.  We are trying to determine if there are certain special characters that cause issues, such as periods, commas, slashes, quotes.



      • JackLacava's avatar
        Honored Contributor

        I'm still not entirely sure where you're handling this connection string (in the Server Config Utility? In custom code?), but I believe it has to be an ADO.NET connection string, so any limitations of that format will apply. You should pay attention to ampersands and particularly semicolons, which will have to be escaped. I don't know if the Oracle driver has any additional requirements.