Two Double Quotes in Delimited Data Sources
Hey everyone. We are implementing a use case for a client that requires import of transactional data found within a csv file. The data is comma delimited, and enclosed in quotes. For example, if the data source contained only three fields, this is what it would look like:
"Field 1 value","Field 2 value","Field 3 value"
The problem that I'm having is that sometimes, Field 2 also contains a quote in it. For example, the client sells parts, and Field 2 contains a description of the part. The description happens to contain a quote (for example, 2" pipe). The data extract routine the client uses automatically includes a second quote to cancel out the first. So the value of Field 2 in this example would be: 2"" pipe. The file, if opened in notepad, would look like this:
"Field 1 value","2"" pipe","Field 3 value"
I've not figured out a way for OneStream to correctly handle this. The only solution that seems to work is pre-processing the file to strip out instances of two double quotes that aren't preceded by or followed by a comma because we have to handle null field cases, where a null field would appropriately be represented by two double quotes. For example: if Field 1 and Field 3 were null, the file would appear as follows, and the only set of two double quotes that needs to be removed is the one within Field 2:
"","2"" pipe",""
Am I missing a configuration option that handles this use case more elegantly than pre-processing the file?
Appreciate any tips!