Unable to load data into OS through workflow quarterly

New Contributor III

Hello All,


We had to make changes to our 2022 (Prior period) data as we identified some issues with it. 
We cleared the data and tried reloading a bulk file with Full year 2022 data (Split Quarterly). Previously, We used to batch import data in one period (E.g. March), all the other quarter end months would automatically get a green tick and show data for that period in staging table.
This time when we loaded numbers to March (data included periods M3,M6,M9,M12 for 2022), we can only see the data in March (M3), we are not able to see data in other periods. Please find the below snap for  reference.





Any help would be appreciated.


Valued Contributor II

Hi, this can have numerous causes, as the data load you describe requires rule configurations and likely depends on parameters set within the solution. I think the best is to reach out to your implementation partner to solve this quickly, unless there is a detailed documentation on the data load that gives you clues where to look and ensure all settings are correct as well as that your load file is in the appropriate format.

Contributor II

Do you need to have your CUBE setup as Quarterly?

Have you tried to create a Quarterly Time Profile?


then you can set your cube settings to point to the quarterly profile
