ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Two versions of OneStream desktop and excel PrakOSS, You can have multiple versions of the desktop client installed, but only one version of the Excel com add-in can be installed. There is detailed information here on the OneStream documenta...Re: Task Activity Report Disregard, should have read the initial question better. Re: Smart Integration Cloud (SIC) error Have you contacted Support? They will have some common items to check outside of memory utilization. For instance, confirming the Platform release version with the SIC Gateway release version. Re: Need help with SIC setup in on-premises hosted OS Vasanth, Per the documentation, SIC is only available for SaaS customers. Re: SOC Assurance over Marketplace solutions LisaSThe SOC2 report does include the MarketPlace solutions, and this scope is highlighted on page 9, under the Scope of the Description section. The first paragraph clarifies the scope of the cont...