ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Global Row override for formatting CVs? Hi Db, sorry yes i'm aware of the order of evaluation. The problem is that the formatting is row specific, group rows are highlighted but in the case of this report the column background highlighting...Re: Global Row override for formatting CVs? Hi Henning, yep sorry thats what im trying but I have many rows to override as the rows are dynamic and parametrised to be one of 11 possible row sets. I dont fancy creating another 11 row sets and m...Global Row override for formatting CVs? Hi all, I might be having a dumb moment here but I cant work out how to overcome a formatting issue. Im trying to restyle some reporting, all the formatting is on style parameters and in this ...Re: Use XFMemberProperty to get year from time parameter Probably overkill but you could write a brstring rule, send your parameter to that and substring it. I mocked it up here: CV Column: rule: Output: Re: Running Consolidation from WF I believe you need a Import Validate,Process workflow Then set up a calculation definition: It comes with a handy Load+Process button to run both steps at the same time. Re: Add a non CV Excel workbook to a book. Shame about that, Not the end of the world though. I can add the finishing touches and the page with VBA. Cheers, Tom Re: Add a non CV Excel workbook to a book. Thanks Jack! Shame the Freeze pane option isnt already in OS. You could assume book functionality is a lower priority than system reports like CVs and Dashboards but they are so handy as accountants ...Re: Using Change parameter passing value for Delimited list in Report books is not working. here is an example of one of my working books: Parameter: Loop: Change param: If statement, It was shorter and more intuitive using Loop1displayvariable ...Re: Using Change parameter passing value for Delimited list in Report books is not working. One thing to check is that Loop1variable is returning "In Millions". I.e. you have Loop1variable and Loop1displayvariable which relate to the two rows in the parameter. Easy to get caught out by this...Re: Cube view Well I had to test this as I wasn't sure that the CVR would pull data from a getdatacell due to calc on the fly, Threw some random combination of accounts together to test and it worked 😮 ...