Newly created dimension member not pulling in data
I created a new dimension member as a child of our direct_department member in UD2. I have updated all of the transformation rules and mirrored the member properties of its siblings. I have loaded this month's data which includes the new department and none of that department's data is showing up following the load/transform process. I'm not receiving any errors either. Has anyone experienced this or has an idea of where I can look to resolve the issue?Solved9Views0likes2CommentsWeekly time application
Dear Community, Since I can create a weekly calendar using a customized Time Dim, what is the "Fiscal Year Month Type" such as Fixed week 4-5-4, 5-4-4 in the time profile used for? If it is used for fiscal year purposes, how can I see the impact? I tried to play around time profile, and it doesn't seem to impact anything. Please provide some ideas. Thank you26Views0likes1CommentRemoving Period Selection When Data Value is removed from a Text property
I am attempting to update the "text" property (which varies by time) for my UD1 members using a business rule that pulls data from a custom table. The update process works as expected without any issues. However, when I remove a data value from the table, OneStream removes the value from the text property, but the corresponding period remains selected, showing blanks (see Screenshot 2). I am removing the data value using the "Else" condition as shown below (Screenshot 1). Can anyone provide insights on how to also remove the period from the selection when there is no value? TIA Screen Shot 1: Screen Shot 2:Solved49Views0likes1Comment8.4 Dashboards for phone, tablet, web and windows App
Hi All We are using 8.4 at our new client and have been tasked with creating dashboards suitable to view on a tablet, web, windows app and phone. We have created different dashboards for each of the different devices, i.e. tablet, phone, windows app and web but have noted that for example, the phone dashboard formatting shows differently on each phone, depending on the phone screen size and it does not auto adjust to fit the screen size of every phone. Same as for tablet, web and windowsApp. Where can I get settings for auto fit on each device so that it shows uniformly on each device regardless of screen size?247Views0likes4CommentsMember Filter on Scenario properties
I would like to apply a member filter on a scenario, which will return a list of a scenarios based on it's properties like Name, Description, WorkflowTime, WorkflowStartTime, and WorkflowEndTime...i.e. WorkflowTime = |someYear| or WorkflowStartTime = |someYear| or WorkflowEndTime = |someYear| I can do this S#Scenario.where(Name contains paramScenario) I can do this S#Scenario.where(Description contains paramDescription) I cannot do this S#Scenario.where(WorkflowTime = 2025) I cannot do this S#Scenario.where(WorkflowStartTime = 2025) I cannot do this S#Scenario.where(WorkflowEndTime = 2025) What am I missing?Solved29Views0likes4CommentsHybrid copy scenario not coping only USD value for non usd entities
Hi , i am trying to copy between scenario through hybrid copy scenario feature but i observer that wherever only USD value present for non USD entities , data copy not happening. could anyone please suggest if anybody come across this scenario.67Views0likes2CommentsCellStatus retrieves a different status than shown in the Cube View
Hi all, I'm trying to build a CV with Entities on rows and Scenarios on columns that will show the status of the cell with the help of a Dynamic Calc. Here's the aspect of the CV (Scenario and UD8 on columns): TEST is my dynamic calc (also crossed with V#Annotation so it can display text). As you can see, I can write on U8#None and yet the dynamic calc returns READ. Here's my code: Dim sEntName As String = api.Pov.Entity.Name Dim sScnName As String = api.Pov.Scenario.Name Dim sStatus As String = Api.Data.GetDataCell("Cb#CORP:E#" & sEntName & ":C#Local:S#" & sScnName & ":T#2018M1:V#YTD:A#ADDUG:F#None:O#Forms:I#None:U1#None:U2#None:U3#None:U4#None:U5#None:U6#None:U7#None:U8#None").CellStatus.ToString brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si,"sStatus = " & sEntName & " - " & sScnName & " - " & sStatus) If sStatus.XFContainsIgnoreCase("WriteAccess: False") Then Return "READ" Else Return "WRITE" End If Here's the POV of the first cell (on E#3002:S#Actual): Cb#CORP:E#3002G0:P#?:C#Local:S#Actual:T#2018M1:V#YTD:A#ADDUG:F#None:O#Forms:I#None:U1#None:U2#None:U3#None:U4#None:U5#None:U6#None:U7#None:U8#None And this is the Cell Status shown in the CV: However, the CellStatus that I'm retriving with my Dynamic Calc says the following (I highlight the incongruences in RED😞 Description: sStatus = 3002G0 - Actual - StoredBits: 33, DerivedBits: 264, ExistenceType=IsRealData, StorageType=Input, NoDataZeroViewOverride: Default, Invalid: False, Error: False, IsDefaultFreq: False, ReadOnly: True, ReadAccess: False, WriteAccess: False, CanCalculateFromGrids: False, IsLocked: False, IsFromCalcScript: True, IsDynamicCalc: False, IsCalcStatus: False Does anybody have any clues why the CellStatus looks different between the script and the CV? Thanks, GSFSolved381Views0likes3Comments