Is there a way to hide the OnePlace Pane?
A client doesn't want some users to see the OnePlace Pane and just navigate based on their landing page. There is an application security role for it and I updated that group to a specific group so its not set to everyone. When I test the user role that doesn't have the OnePlace Pane in their security roles, its not working and the OnePlace Pane is still showing up?Solved49Views0likes3CommentsSlice Security - Data Cell Access
Can someone please explain the difference between "Apply Access" and "Increase/Decrease Access" in Slice Security ? For Example : How it makes a difference when selecting "Apply Access - All Access" Vs "Increase Access - All Access" Also please advise any training materials for Slice Security?34Views0likes2CommentsSecurity Question - can we block users from submitting data in excel? We want to prevent a user from submitting planning data on certain UD members
Originally posted by Michael Malandra 1/23/2018 Security Question - can we block users from submitting data in excel? We want to prevent a user from submitting planning data on certain UD members2KViews0likes3CommentsCellStatus retrieves a different status than shown in the Cube View
Hi all, I'm trying to build a CV with Entities on rows and Scenarios on columns that will show the status of the cell with the help of a Dynamic Calc. Here's the aspect of the CV (Scenario and UD8 on columns): TEST is my dynamic calc (also crossed with V#Annotation so it can display text). As you can see, I can write on U8#None and yet the dynamic calc returns READ. Here's my code: Dim sEntName As String = api.Pov.Entity.Name Dim sScnName As String = api.Pov.Scenario.Name Dim sStatus As String = Api.Data.GetDataCell("Cb#CORP:E#" & sEntName & ":C#Local:S#" & sScnName & ":T#2018M1:V#YTD:A#ADDUG:F#None:O#Forms:I#None:U1#None:U2#None:U3#None:U4#None:U5#None:U6#None:U7#None:U8#None").CellStatus.ToString brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si,"sStatus = " & sEntName & " - " & sScnName & " - " & sStatus) If sStatus.XFContainsIgnoreCase("WriteAccess: False") Then Return "READ" Else Return "WRITE" End If Here's the POV of the first cell (on E#3002:S#Actual): Cb#CORP:E#3002G0:P#?:C#Local:S#Actual:T#2018M1:V#YTD:A#ADDUG:F#None:O#Forms:I#None:U1#None:U2#None:U3#None:U4#None:U5#None:U6#None:U7#None:U8#None And this is the Cell Status shown in the CV: However, the CellStatus that I'm retriving with my Dynamic Calc says the following (I highlight the incongruences in RED😞 Description: sStatus = 3002G0 - Actual - StoredBits: 33, DerivedBits: 264, ExistenceType=IsRealData, StorageType=Input, NoDataZeroViewOverride: Default, Invalid: False, Error: False, IsDefaultFreq: False, ReadOnly: True, ReadAccess: False, WriteAccess: False, CanCalculateFromGrids: False, IsLocked: False, IsFromCalcScript: True, IsDynamicCalc: False, IsCalcStatus: False Does anybody have any clues why the CellStatus looks different between the script and the CV? Thanks, GSFSolved379Views0likes3CommentsDashboard requires user to have maintenance access
Hi, We have a Dashboard Maintenance Unit which requires a user to have maintenance access for the object to be able to open the dashboard. In which cases is it necessary to have maintenance access for a dashboard if you don't need to maintain it in the Application-tab?115Views0likes1CommentSIC Password and API keys are stored in a plain text file
Hi We are evaluating the SIC tool for integration and noticed that API keys and DB passwords are stored unencrypted in plain text files. This is becoming a huge security concern as this way of storing credentials is going to case sensitive data leaks. Not sure if this is already identified by any other client and if it is in the roadmap of fixes? Did any of the clients report this issue? Thanks Vidya Kadiyala CN RailSolved4.9KViews1like13Comments