Workflow Profiles Setup - Actual & Forecast
Attached is a 4 tab Excel file. Two tabs describes how Workflow Profiles for Actual and Forecast have been configured. One tab shows the questions that you would walk through to determine what type of workflow to setup. The remaining tab highlights how the base level workflows should be setup.Sample Workflow Upload Template
Attached is a one tab Excel file that has a sample Workflow Upload template. It is OneStream's "Workflow Hierarchy Builder" that has been updated with sample Tax Provision Blueprint metadata. If you have a lot of WF's to create, this may be a good solution to assist you with creating workflows. Please test a small sample in a Dev app to make sure you are filling in all the proper fields based on your specific application.Workflow Profiles
The following has been taken from the Tax Provision Blueprint "Instruction Guide" starting at page 149. See KB article: "Tax Provision Blueprint Instruction Guide - PV7.3.0 SV100" See KB article: "Workflow Templates" Tax Provision Blueprint includes several Workflow Profiles related to the included Tax Provision Blueprint Cube. OneStream Workflows are a key benefit of building a tax provision process using Tax Provision Blueprint. The ability to create Workflows that tailor the users experience to their specific responsibilities and show the status of the completed Workflow task is a key differentiator of Tax Provision Blueprint. Workflow is expected to be customized to address individual customer requirements. Workflow Profiles XFW_TXP is the Root Workflow Profile for Tax Provision Blueprint. Workflows are set up by country. You can have several workflows within a country, however, entities assigned to a workflow MUST be in the same country. Only one Local Group Filer workflow profile can exist per country. Only one National Group Filer workflow profile can exist per country. Naming conventions are key to understanding what each workflow is supposed to represent. We have used suffixes on our workflows. Review the supplied Excel supplemental file that has a very informative matrix about the workflow setup. Please see KB article: "Workflow Profile setup - Actual & Forecast". Here is a screenshot of the supplied workflows: Profile Properties All settings should be applied to the “Tax” scenario type. If you are using current year Forecast scenarios, use the scenario type “ScenarioType8”. If you are using multi-year Forecast scenarios, use the scenario type “ScenarioType7”. They should be applied to both the base level parent workflow and at the base level Tax Schedules workflow. The following areas in workflows have been used in Tax Provision Blueprint: Base Level parent workflow: Workflow Name Cube View Profile Name Confirmation Profile Name Text 1 Text 2 Text 3 Base Level “Tax Schedules” workflow: Workflow Name Profile Active Input Forms Profile Name Cube View Profile Name Text 1 Text 2 Text 3 Tax Provision Blueprint makes use of the Substitution Text Settings Text 1, Text 2, and Text 3. These three text fields are used to drive the tax schedules POV, combo boxes parameters and business rules. Text 4 is left blank intentionally for possible non-Tax use or future Tax use. Workflow Text Field Notes Text 1 is only required when using group filing (either national or Local): GroupFiler can be either: National NatGroupFiler=Yes Local LocalGroupFiler=Yes Entity WF are specific workflow profiles to allow certain schedules for specific entities. There are 5 types of entity workflows: Nat_LocalGF see: XFW_TXP_US_107_Nat_LocalGF / XFW_TXP_US_117_Nat_LocalGF Used for countries that do not do National group filing but do Local group filing The entities in these workflows are filer entities (Text7: LocalFiler=Yes) The entities in these workflows can process the National and Local JD’s NatPrep_LocalGF see: XFW_TXP_CA_101_LocalGF / XFW_TXP_CA_102_LocalGF Used for countries that do National group filing and Local group filing The entities in these workflows are filer entities (Text7: LocalFiler=Yes and/or NatFiler=Yes) The entities in these workflows can only process the Local JD’s For the National JD only Schedules 05 and 06a are available and only the sections required for national preparation NatPrep see: XFW_TXP_CA_103_NatPrep / XFW_TXP_AE_101_NatPrep Used for countries that do National group filing Only Schedules 05 and 06a are available and only for the National JD NatPrep_Local see: XFW_TXP_LU_101_NoLocalGF / XFW_TXP_LU_102_NoLocalGF Used for countries that do National group filing The entities in these workflows can only process the Local JD’s For the National JD only Schedules 05 and 06a are available and only the sections required for national preparation <Blank> see: XFW_TXP_US_Eastern / XFW_TXP_DE_101 Used for countries that do not do either National and/or Local group filing Text 2 and Text 3 positions must be separated by a comma ( , ). No exceptions. You need to put in the dimension identifier (E#, U1#, U7#). This helps the admin to understand what dimension each text field represents. In BR’s, we remove the dimension identifier and the # where necessary. Do not Use Text 4. Leave open for non-Tax usage or for future Tax expansion. It is required to have an identifier on the workflow profile names (i.e., xxx_LocalGroupFiler, xxx_NatGroupFiler, xxx_Nat_LocalGF …). Confirmation rules looks to see if the profile name contains “LocalGroupFiler”, “NatGroupFiler”... Group Filing workflows will not have any entities associated too them. For Text 2, position one, you can specify one entity (i.e., E#TXP_US_107). The schedules will only display this entity in the POV combo box. So, if other entities are added to this workflow by mistake, they will not show up in the POV. The following are some sample screen shots of the different types of workflow profiles and the Text 1, 2 & 3 setup. XFW_TXP_Total This is the top-level workflow and is used to consolidate all entities. You are free to rename this workflow. Only one of these workflows is required per application. XFW_TXP_GLTaxAdmin This is the admin workflow and is used to perform monthly setup work including data copies and allows access to multiple jurisdictions in one workflow. Only one of these workflows is required per application. There are 9 base level workflows that are meant more for the Admin: Copy Definitions: TXP_Actual scenario – Dashboards to facilitate copying of group filing definitions. Forecast scenarios – Dashboards to facilitate the initialization and data copy steps for source (actuals) data copy to forecast. Schedules: TXP_Actual scenario – Dashboards to process bulk tax rates, manage by period the Interim Reporting Run Rate, set the return year, and set Losses not Benefited entities. Forecast scenarios – Dashboards to set Losses not Benefited entities and National Benefit excluded local jurisdictions. The next 7 country workflows enable an Admin user (1) enter tax rates, (2) set the RTP year (TXP_Actual only), (3) copy the Provision or Return data (TXP_Actual only) and (4) copy source data to forecast (forecast scenarios only). These 7 country specific workflows allow a user (i.e.: Admin or power user) to perform the monthly setup work from one workflow rather than going to several different workflows. Most of these same schedules are also available in each country’s workflow – so you can process the data in either area. Note: The Workflow Profiles for US (United States) in Tax Provision Blueprint are based on: National group filing: No Local group filing: Yes XFW_TXP_US_LocalGroupFiler This workflow is used to set up the Local group filing definitions for the country (US in this example). Only one of these workflows is required per country doing Local group filing. No entities are associated with this workflow. Only Local Jurisdiction data is entered for this workflow. Can Load Unrelated Entities = True. The words “GroupFiler” must be included in this profile name. XFW_TXP_US_107_Nat_LocalGF This workflow is used to do both Local Jurisdiction and National tax provisioning. You can have more than one of these types of workflows per country (US in this example). An entity is associated with this workflow. XFW_TXP_US_108 This workflow is used for National tax provisioning only (No National Group Filing). You can have more than one of these types of workflows per country (US in this example). An entity is associated with this workflow. The second position on Text 2 is not used, but we still include “,E#”. Note: The Workflow Profiles for CA (Canada) in Tax Provision Blueprint are based on: National group filing: Yes Local group filing: Yes XFW_TXP_CA_NatGroupFiler This workflow is used to set up the National group filing definitions for the country (CA in this example). Only one of these workflows is required per country doing National group filing. No entities are associated with this workflow. Only the National Jurisdiction data is entered for this workflow. Can Load Unrelated Entities = True. The words “GroupFiler” must be included in this profile name. XFW_TXP_CA_101_LocalGF This workflow is used to do Local Jurisdiction tax provisioning and National Jurisdiction preparation. You can have more than one of these types of workflows per country (CA in this example). An entity is associated with this workflow. XFW_TXP_CA_Eastern_NatPrep This workflow is used to enter data for schedule 05, 06a and 06a1 FC (FCST only) for National tax preparation. The country also has Local jurisdictions, but no Local jurisdiction provisioning is handled in this Workflow. You can have more than one of these types of workflows per country (CA in this example). An entity is associated with this workflow. Note: The Workflow Profiles for AE (United Arab Emirates) in Tax Provision Blueprint are based on: National group filing: Yes Local: No local tax provisioning XFW_TXP_AE_101_NatPrep This workflow is used to enter data for schedule 05, 06a and 06a1 FC (FCST only) for National tax preparation. The country also has No Local jurisdictions. You can have more than one of these types of workflows per country (AE in this example). An entity is associated with this workflow. Note: The Workflow Profiles for LU (Luxembourg) in Tax Provision Blueprint are based on: National group filing: Yes Local group filing: No XFW_TXP_LU_101_NoLocalGF This workflow is used to do Local Jurisdiction tax provisioning and National Jurisdiction preparation. You can have more than one of these types of workflows per country (LU – Luxembourg in this example). An entity is associated with this workflow. The second position on Text 2 is not used, but we still include “,E#”. Note: The Workflow Profiles for DE (Germany) in Tax Provision Blueprint are based on: National group filing: No Local group filing: No XFW_TXP_DE_101 This workflow is used to do both Local Jurisdiction and National tax provisioning but has no Group Filing requirements. You can have more than one of these types of workflows per country (DE – Germany in this example). An entity is associated with this workflow. The second position on Text 2 is not used, but we still include “,E#”. Note: The Workflow Profiles for UK (United Kingdom) in Tax Provision Blueprint are based on: National group filing: No Local: No local tax provisioning XFW_TXP_UK_101 This workflow is used for National tax provisioning only and has no Group Filing requirements. The country also has No Local jurisdictions. You can have more than one of these types of workflows per country (UK in this example). An entity is associated with this workflow. The second position on Text 2 is not used, but we still include “,E#”.Workflow Templates
The following has been taken from the Tax Provision Blueprint "Instruction Guide" starting at page 158. See KB article: "Tax Provision Blueprint Instruction Guide - PV7.3.0 SV100" See KB article: "Workflow Profiles" Workflow Templates There are templates that assist the admin in creating each of the nine types of workflows. The workflows text 1, 2 & 3 fields and the descriptions will need to be adjusted for your specific country. If you use ScenarioType8 and/or ScenarioType7 for Forecast scenarios, then you will also need to update these settings as well. Excel Workflow Templates (available from the MarketPlace) If you opt to use the Workflow Excel Templates to create your workflow profiles, then the workflow templates are not necessary. Either delete them or at least update the workflow template properties so that if they are used, the settings are not misleading and are specific to your app. A sample Workflow Excel template can be found in this downloadable MarketPlace solution: We have supplied a sample working workflow profile template in the Detail Process Flow file. See tab “Sample WF Upload Template”. The WF Profile template assumes that you have this as a starting point: After the upload you will have this: