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Member Filter Functions in Finance BR
Is it possible to use Member Expansion functions like U1#[Top].Base.Where , U1#[Top].Base.Options within api.Data.GetDataBufferUsingFormula? I want to get data to the buffer from a Scenario / Scenario Type which is setup with a Summary UD1 dimension in the Cube Configuration.The data is loaded to this Scenario at Summary UD1 members. In the Spreadsheet I am able to pull the data using below member filter function. U1#[XX].Base.Options(cube = AA , ScenarioType = Operational) However when I apply the same function in the api.Data.GetDataBufferUsingFormula , I am getting errors stating need a comma after Options. If this function cannot be used within Finance BR is there another way to get the data from base members of Summary UD1 dimension? Dimension Summary UD1 Detail UD1 Members Summary UD1 Top CC001 Detail UD1 Top CC001 CC0011vmanojrc305 hours agoContributor26Views0likes3CommentsData Quality Event Handler Rule
Hello, I recently had help modifying a rule so it would only run once for a multi year scenario, now I am having an issue trying to run the rule on other scenarios. How would I tell this rule to ignore the time condition for the budget scenario. The data management job set up on the workflow profile won't currently run due to line of code added: ' NEW CHECK TO ONLY RUN ON THE START YEAR OF WF RANGE TIME. If I remove it, then the calculation doesn't work for my forecast scenario properly. I basically somehow need to tell it to ignore that line for the budget scenario. Below is the full code. Public Function Main(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal globals As BRGlobals, ByVal api As Object, ByVal args As DataQualityEventHandlerArgs) As Object Try 'Define a switch to control event processing, since many of these are reference examples we do not want them to run all the time Dim processEvents As Boolean = False 'Set the default return values Dim returnValue As Object = args.DefaultReturnValue args.UseReturnValueFromBusinessRule = False args.Cancel = False 'Evaluate the operation type in order to determine which subroutine to process Select Case args.OperationName Case Is = BREventOperationType.DataQuality.ProcessCube.NoCalculate 'Execute a Data Management job after process cube runs Me.XFR_HandleProcessCubeNoCalculate(si, globals, api, args) 'Case Is = BREventOperationType.DataQuality.Certify.FinalizeSetCertifyState 'Send an email after a workflow profile executes its certification 'Me.XFR_HandleFinalizeSetCertifyState(si, globals, api, args) End Select Return returnValue Catch ex As Exception Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex)) End Try End Function #Region "ProcessCube.NoCalculate Helpers" Private Sub XFR_HandleProcessCubeNoCalculate(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal globals As BRGlobals, ByVal api As Object, ByVal args As DataQualityEventHandlerArgs) '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'Reference Code: XFR_HandleProcessCubeNoCalculate ' 'Description: Run a DataMgmt Sequence after the workflow process cube task is run. ' Note: the DataMgmt sequence name is assigned to a Workflow Profile CalcDef filter field ' so this event does not have to be modified, the user can simply edit the CalcDef grid ' for a workflow profile and this business rule will execucte the specified sequence. ' 'Usage: Used to supplement the standard "ProcessCube" functionality associated with a ' workflow profile by allowing a DataManagement sequence to be executed for the workflow profile ' as well. ' 'Created By: Tom Shea 'Date Created: 1-30-2013 '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Try 'Get the DataUnitInfo from the Event arguaments so that we can get the name of the DataManagement sequence to process. Dim calcInfo As DataUnitInfo = DirectCast(args.Inputs(2), DataUnitInfo) If Not calcInfo Is Nothing Then 'Make sure that a Sequence name as assigned to the filter value of the Calc Definition of the executing Workflow Profile If calcInfo.FilterValue <> String.Empty Then ' NEW CHECK TO ONLY RUN ON THE START YEAR OF WF RANGE TIME If timedimhelper.GetYearFromId(calcInfo.DataUnitIds.TimeId).Equals(timedimhelper.GetYearFromId(brapi.Finance.Scenario.GetWorkflowStartTime(si,calcInfo.DataUnitIds.ScenarioId))) 'Now, execute the DataMgmt Sequence that was specified in the FilterValue (In a background thread) BRApi.Utilities.ExecuteDataMgmtSequence(si, calcInfo.FilterValue, Nothing) End If End If End If Catch ex As Exception Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex)) End Try End Sub #End Region End Class End Namespace Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!aorange9 hours agoNew Contributor III10Views0likes1CommentPassing parameters from a user defined workspace to a DM process and Business Rule
When creating a dashboard in the default workspace you are able to pass dashboard parameter values to the data management sequence through the parameter section of the execution script: You can also use an Input Value parameter and create an extender process to populate the Input Value and then retrieve that value for a DM sequence or BR. However, when using user defined workspaces, I have only been able to successfully pass parameter values from a dashboard using a literal value (process on combo box executes a rule to populate a literal value with the most recent user selection, literal value is read by DM and BR processes). The issue with this literal value process is that the value is left at the value from the last execution of combo box selection so it requires the user to change the value to some other value, then reset the value to ensure the literal value has a valid stored value. Additionally, this process if being used by multiple users, may cause confusion if two users are changing combo boxes thus resetting literal values without knowing that the other users is changing the value. Is there no other way to reference user defined workspace parameter values like in the argument selections in the Server Task settings? I have seen some instances where the workspace ID can be referenced, however I don't see an examples of using some type of similar format for parameters (e.g. WorkspaceID.|!SomeParameter!|).bhenneuse3 days agoNew Contributor9Views0likes0CommentsBusiness Rules Implementation
Hi, I'm trying to learn more about the business Rules and what they are doing. Where can I find the various function implementations. For Example: I have this function Dim connectionString As String = GetConnectionString(si, globals, api) For the GetConnectionString function where is the code for this funciton ? so I can read and understand what its doing ? If this is in the API, I have been looking there today, can you reference which folder / document I can get this. Thanks for your help in advance.Tom4 days agoNew Contributor III47Views1like1CommentIsDurableCalculatedData
What is the default state of IsDurableCalculatedData if left out of an statement? I'm assuming it's false but I just want to double check. I'm seeing an statement which contains an "onEval" statement, then a comma, then False. If I look at Intellisense, the first field after the "onEval" is userState, followed by the Boolean for IsDurableCalculatedData. How should I read this statement? Is the False referring to the userState or to the IsDurableCalculatedData Boolean? Thanks, BobSolvedBobNelson4 days agoNew Contributor III19Views0likes3CommentsUse api.Data.Calculate to move data between 2 cubes
Is it possible to copy a value from one cube to another mutually exclusive cube with a Custom Calculate business rule? I am trying to copy a value from the Cb#Financial cube to the Cb#CASH cube. However, using the “api.Data.Calculate” code below I get the error “Invalid destination data unit in script” even though the Data Unit defined in my Data Management step matches the target cube Data Unit. Dim sTops As String = ":C#Local:S#AOP_Final:V#Periodic:A#BGMOPEX:F#EndBal_Input:O#BeforeAdj:I#None:U1#TopUD1:U2#TopUD2:U3#SALARY:U4#TopUD4:U5#TopUD5:U6#TopUD6:U7#None:U8#GC_USD" Dim sNones As String = ":Cb#CASH:E#US01:S#CashForecast_Forecast:T#2024M10:C#Local:V#Periodic:F#EndBal_Input:O#Forms:I#None:U1#None:U2#None:U3#NoVendor:U4#None:U5#None:U6#CashForecast_Plan:U7#None:U8#GC_USD" Dim dPayroll As Decimal = api.Data.GetDataCell("Cb#Financial:E#US01" & sTops & ")").CellAmount api.Data.Calculate("A#PAYUSA" & sNones & " = RemoveZeros(" & dPayroll & ")",True) In the past I have used the “BRApi.Finance.Data.SetDataCellsUsingMemberScript(si, objMemberScriptValues)” method and the “DM Data Export / Import” method to move data between cubes, but I was hoping that I could use a simple api.Data.Calculate utilizing the “Cb#” filter. Is this possible? Thanks.SolvedRandyThompson20 days agoNew Contributor III40Views0likes1CommentUsing Conditional Input to Suppress CV Columns
Hi All, As the name states above I'm trying to dynamically modify suppression settings on a column in a CV based on a value selected in a parameter. So for example let's say if a user selects an option from a parameter I want to modify suppression settings on certain columns based on that selection choice. I have two questions: Is there a way to do this? If there is a way, how would this business rule/function be passed? In the CV? In the Cube? Thank You...Any assistance on this would be extremely helpful.SolvedPFowler21 days agoNew Contributor II25Views0likes2CommentsHow to Exclude Entities from Confirmation Rule
Hello, I'm somewhat new to writing code for confirmation rules. I'm trying to create a confirmation that is only for 1 entity and we'd like it in our general rule groups for confirmation rules and not have to create it's own rule profile. Basically we need to the rule to be If WFProfile Entity <> 02140 return True, if not then (enter rule I already created). I couldn't find anything in the documentation about making it entity specific and excluding other entities. Thanks, WillSolvedWillVitale21 days agoContributor48Views0likes6CommentsAttaching file to the Mail
Hi, Is it possible to attach a file from the public folder to the mail using the function, BRApi.Utilities.SendMail(si, emailConnectionName, toEmailAddresses, subject, body, attachmentFilePaths) Would appreciate any assistance. Thank You.SolvedShivangi21 days agoNew Contributor III1.6KViews0likes11CommentsCalculation Error "Error processing script: 'A#All = 0 * A#All"
I was running into issues clearing durable data prior to Clearing it so I calculated the data prior to the Clear statement so the data was "calculated", then ran the ClearCalculatedData stmt. It works fine for me, but I have admin access and it works fine for a select few users. But for the majority of users they receive the error"Error processing script: 'A#All = 0 * A#All". I can not easily test in Prod as my hands are tied as far as making security changes. In prod I have other users with the same set of security groups (just pointing to other entity WFs) and they do not receive the error. In our Dev environment I can set up a native user with the exact same security groups as a prod user that fails and I do not receive an error. As for it being an issue with data, I have an entity where 1 user can run it and another can not. And they have the same set of security groups. Does anyone have any thoughts on what is going on? I also thought that the ClearCalculatedData should have been able to clear it (durable data) with the Boolean set to true, but it doesn't. Does anyone have any thought on why the clear does not work w/o calculating the data prior to clearing it? I did see a note about the ClearCalculatedData that the final argument must be true to clkear any data with a storage type Durable. But I'm not exactly sure what this means - can someone clarify that statement for me? This is the code: This is the error:jzachar21 days agoNew Contributor III1.7KViews0likes5Comments