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Attaching file to the Mail
Hi, Is it possible to attach a file from the public folder to the mail using the function, BRApi.Utilities.SendMail(si, emailConnectionName, toEmailAddresses, subject, body, attachmentFilePaths) Would appreciate any assistance. Thank You.Shivangi21 hours agoNew Contributor II1.5KViews0likes7CommentsConsolidation
I have created a literal value parameter for entity that I want to refer in my finance rules for calculation. Can someone share me a code where I can look up values from a parameter I set instead of running a E#Root.base or something. Running a E#Root.base where txt1='value' is not an option . ThanksSolvedOS_Love3 days agoNew Contributor III723Views0likes3CommentsConvert Date to Period
Has anyone had success taking a date, say 12/2/2024, and the cube name I assume, and converting it to a period like 2024M12?Sweez3 days agoNew Contributor III87Views0likes4CommentsHow to Obtain the ProfileKey and Modify This Attribute in the WorkflowClusterPk
Hi Everyone. What I want to do is change the value of: si.WorkflowClusterPk.ProfileKey What I want to change is the ProfileKey of a Profile that can obtain the value by name. I need to make this change to modify a process that relies solely on the information from this attribute. Therefore, I would be grateful for your assistance.SolvedMarco7 days agoContributor II125Views0likes2CommentsSQL Manipulation with a VB Net Variable
Hello, Does anyone know an effective way to alter the amount column of a table using a SQL script? Use case: the client is bringing in what they call "Production Downtime" to the system, which shows hours of downtime by plant based on a reason (attribute). Using a Dashboard Data Set rule, I created a SQL query to return specific results from the stage table based on Entity and Plant selections. This rule is linked to a data adapter and fed into the BI Viewer. In their BI Viewer report, it shows current Month vs PY Month. Since this data is coming in daily, when the user is looking at the current month, (today is Nov 21) the current month shows 21 days' worth of downtime data. They would like the PY Month to also represent 21 days of data. So, I would like to create a "ratio" variable that reads the current day of month and divides by the total days in month, and multiply the PY data by it. I created something similar in a UD8 calc: (SQL Is not my strong suit) how can I apply this "ratio" to the amount column of a SQL query? Amount * Ratiodanszczepanski9 days agoNew Contributor II162Views0likes5CommentsTXM One Side Match Set Rule
We are trying to build a one side match rule for AR TXM. Within our DS1, we have transactions that combine and net to zero. We are finding that the one side rule is matching transactions by the amount instead of first summing the group of transactions to zero, which is resulting in incorrect matches. Is there a way to match negative amounts to positive amounts of the same balance (i.e. absolute value, but then we still need the net to be an accurate zero). Is there a way to leave the "amount" field off of the definition page. Also, whenever we try to enter in a tolerance, we get an error message to select the tolerance type, but there is no option to do so on a one-side rule. We are having the same issue with the many to many rules where the rule is not summing up the transactions into one before executing matchOS1239 days agoNew Contributor272Views0likes1CommentUD8 Formula which checks if Base Member
Hi! New to Vb.Net here. Trying to write a UD8 formula which extracts the right 3 characters of an Entity member name, only when the member is a base member. Error message received says "'IsBase' is not a member of 'Member'." Anyone know how to make this work? If api.View.IsAnnotationType() Then 'Check if the member is a base member If api.Pov.Entity.IsBase Then 'Return the last three characters of the member name Dim membername As String = api.Pov.Entity.Name Dim lastThreeChars As String = Right(membername, 3) Return lastThreeChars Else 'Return a NoData Datacell if not a base member Return api.Data.CreateDataCellObject(0.0,True, False) End If Else ' Return a NoData Datacell if not an annotation type Return api.Data.CreateDataCellObject(0.0, True, False) End IfSolvedBWHITAKER9 days agoNew Contributor II103Views0likes2CommentsEntity Relationship Properties update via business rules
Hi Team, I would like to fetch and update the Entity Relationship Properties for the Entity Dimension members via Business Rules. The below peace of code works fine for only when I pass the Actual and Budget but when i pass the other scenario Type like Scenariotype 1 to 8 I get the error Object is not set to an instance of an object. Dim Scenario As String = args.CustSubstVarsAlreadyResolved("Param_SecnarioType_EO_24") 'The above value i get it from the combo box as delimited list Dim Scenarioid As Integer = BRApi.Finance.Members.GetMemberId(si,dimtype.Scenario.Id,Scenario) Dim MyScenarioTypeid As ScenarioType = BRApi.Finance.Scenario.GetScenarioType(si,Scenarioid) Dim Timefilter As String = args.CustSubstVarsAlreadyResolved("Param_Time_24") Dim Timeid As Integer = BRApi.Finance.Members.GetMemberId(si,dimtype.Time.Id,Timefilter) Can you please help me with the correct way to get the scenario Type.45Views0likes0CommentsFetch Metadata values from Text file in Transformation Event Handler
Hi Experts, I am working on TransformationEventHandler rule in which we need to read the first 4 columns of a text file that is being uploaded to Workflow Import so I can do some sanity checks and error out if they are not correct. Does anyone have sample code that reads the values of file? I checked everywhere but not much documentation on this. Also, I placed this code in "ParseSourceData" BREventOperationType. Not sure if this is correct or need to put under "ParseTransformationRules"? Thanks in advance, PMMikki10 days agoNew Contributor III136Views0likes4CommentsHow to pass parameters through ExecuteCustomCalculateBusinessRule
Hi Everyone. I am trying to run a CustomCalculateBR in another BR, and I have the following for the variable namevaluepairs, but I would also like to pass parameters in this BR. I have been investigating but did not find a solution. Similarly, I would like to ask if passing with .base will work the same way as if it were in a step or not. I would appreciate it if you could help me. Dim mvp As New Dictionary(Of String,String) mvp.Add("Cube","HLFPLN") mvp.Add("Entity",strEntTx1) mvp.Add("Consolidation","Local") mvp.Add("Scenario","|WFScenario|") mvp.Add("Time","T#|!PLN_ParamFcstMths!|") mvp.Add("View","None") mvp.Add("Flow","None") mvp.Add("IC","None") mvp.Add("UD5","None") mvp.Add("UD6","None") mvp.Add("UD7","None") mvp.Add("UD8","None") mvp.Add("Parameters","test=ValueTest") BRApi.Finance.Calculate.ExecuteCustomCalculateBusinessRule(si,"PLN_ThreeMonths2","Test",mvp,CustomCalculateTimeType.MemberFilter)Marco13 days agoContributor II198Views0likes3Comments