Forum Discussion

Mike_Sabourin's avatar
Contributor II
7 months ago

Consolidation stopped working

The client's consolidation stopped working on their top member after a specific point of time. From their earliest data point through 2023M11, it works fine. From 2023M12 forward it will consolidate only up to the members directly below the top parent. Nothing else has changed, except the data source. This was working as of a couple of days ago and suddenly stopped. I can see it running calcs fine, but the numbers in regular accounts do not roll up. Any thoughts? I've checked all the properties I could think of and turned off all calculations, but nothing helps.

  • Henning's avatar
    Valued Contributor II

    Hi Michel,

    What I always do in such a case is to follow the data step by step to locate the exact spot where it goes "missing". That means checking...

    - local currencies on base entities to verify the data has been loaded

    - translated currencies on base entities to verify the data has been translated

    - C#Share on base entities to verify the data has been correctly aggregated to this member

    - etc. until you are at C#Top and then you repeat this for each parent level entity until you found the C# member and entity combination.

    Once you located this, you then drill into the details.... Origin dimension, flow dimension, audit dimension etc. until you know where the data stops aggregating or maybe moved to a different member. Once you found that point, it is usually obvious where it went wrong.

    Hope that helps!

    • KarlT's avatar
      Contributor III

      You've probably checked these but worth ensuring that the Percent Consolidation on all entities is set to the correct percentage (in case someone has accidentally set them to 0 from a point in time). Also check there are FX rates in the system for that period. But i agree with Henning, it will be easier to isolate the cause once you've identified where the data is "getting stuck" during consolidation.

    • Mike_Sabourin's avatar
      Contributor II

      What's really strange is that I've done this, and it all aggregates and translates as expected until it gets to the top entity. Its direct children (which includes translation to USD) all are rolling up correctly. It's only not rolling up to the top parent, and only for certain periods. Still digging, but I'm perplexed at this point

      • Henning's avatar
        Valued Contributor II

        In the end - when you finally find it - it will probably be quite simple. Happens to everyone. All one can do is keep digging. 

        You can also use a copy of this app in DEV and replicate the issue with a single data point. As you say, some data is rolling up, other data is not. Replicate both and see what the difference is. Translation you have checked (very often people forget to populate FX rates). Is it P&L data? Balance sheet data? ...