Forum Discussion

Archana's avatar
New Contributor III
10 days ago

Cube View Group - Forms

Hi, I'm trying to figure out how can I make few rows as un editable. Example: highlighted rows in below screenshot. I remember this can be done through Row overrides but its not working.

In column member filter, I defined two dimensions as below.

What should I define in Row override to have 'Total Revenues', 'Total Expense' and 'Personal' rows un editable?

  • Henning's avatar
    Valued Contributor II

    Hi, the V#Annotation member has been selected in the column. Is that correct? Seems like a possible mistake for "Forecast Adjustments" which I usually associate with data and not with comments.

    If you change this to YTD or periodic, the parent accounts in the rows automatically become un-editable.

    • Archana's avatar
      New Contributor III

      Hi - Thanks for your response. I removed V#Annotation from column filter. Instead in POV only if I add Annotation for View the fields are editable. Otherwise the fields are locked. 

      • Henning's avatar
        Valued Contributor II

        Hi, I am not sure I follow what you did here exactly. I assume you mean every cell in the CV cannot be used for data input anymore? Annotations should not be used for data input just to get around blocked cells in a CV. The reason is in 99% of the cases that in one (or more) of the cell's dimensions, a parent cell or a no input cell has been selected. Make sure that for the input cells, all selected members are base members. 

        Annotation allows you to enter text into any intersection, also parents, so this looks like a solution, even though it is not (unless one wants to enter comments). Also, "Can Modify Data" only applies to data cells. Annotations are not "data" in the sense of that setting.

  • MarcusH's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    You can make a row read only from the Advanced tab:


    • Archana's avatar
      New Contributor III

      Hi -Thanks for your response. I have tried this before. Unfortunately, this isn't working because in POV only if I use View as Annotation the fields are editable.