Default values on Parameter in Dashboard
Hi All,
Working with a dialog box with 3 parameters that are being used in a business rule later on.
I want the parameters on dashboard load to always show the first value in my delimited list. Right now it always saved my previous selection.
I have tried to set "Default Value" in the parameter itself, that dosen't work, guess it is only working on first load?
I have tried to run a Dashboard extender BR like below to set param values on load of dashboard, but it dosen't overwrite my previous selection.:
Only thing that have worked this far is to set a bound parameter with a set value on my button that opens my dialog box. However it seems to only let me add one bound parameter, I have 3.
Anyone having any advice how I can set one value from my delimited list to always appear when loading my dialog box.
Hi all, manage to solve it. My mistake. The businessrule worked perfectly fine. I just messed up with adding it as a Case is = ComponentSelectionChanged instead of the correct choise: LoadDashboard