Forum Discussion

MarioGV's avatar
New Contributor III
2 years ago

Eliminations between Balance & P&L accounts

Hi everyone; we have an application using standard elimination, we have been used eliminations between balance account and P&L accounts, I created a new account in Balance sheet accounts with plug account as Assets, create another P&L account (Revenue) using the same plug Asset account; now when runs the consolidation & Eliminations, there is a difference with balance, is unbalancing.

Is there an specific configuration that I need to setup into the accounts?

Thanks in advance and best Regards.

Mario GV

  • Henning's avatar
    Valued Contributor II


    This question has been raised before in this post:

    plug accounts using P&L and Balance sheet types - OneStream Community (

    I hope this answers your question.

    Generally, try not to mix balance sheet and income statement accounts on the same plug account as this naturally leads to differences (unless you have a single currency solution). As said in the other post, this can be adjusted using various configurations, but the default way results in differences (down to math).

  • DJB's avatar
    New Contributor

    We are using an Equity Balancing account as the plug account for 2 BS and 1 P&L account.  The balance sheet accounts work as expected. The P&L account, not so much.

    The oddest behavior is occurring. The first month that has a P&L value behaves as expected: eliminated on the P&L, amount reduced from BS plug account. Subsequent months are eliminated but the balancing account is not reduced. This causes the consolidated BS reports to be OOB for those periods. 

    Has anyone experienced a similar issue with BS & PL accounts sharing a BS plug?