Forum Discussion

Nikpowar97's avatar
12 months ago

FdxExecuteDataUnit on OwnerPostAdj, OwnerPreAdj, Elimination, Share


					Dim TimeName As String = "2023M1"
					Dim dt_NIk As DataTable = BRApi.Import.Data.FdxExecuteDataUnit(si,"Consol", "E#KY00_Total.Base","OwnerPostAdj",Brapi.Finance.Scenario.GetScenarioType(si,si.WorkflowClusterPk.ScenarioKey).Id,"S#Actual_Hist","T#" & TimeName,"YTD",True,"Flow = 'EndBalanceLoad'",10,False)


Error processing data. The item was not found. Entity, Parent, -1.
Is there any alternate way to retrieve Data. It works on USD, Local

  • Can you actually see records against that member in Database / Tools / Data Records? FdxExecuteDataUnit deals only in hard data, anything not stored (e.g. Share etc) will not be extracted. If you want that type of stuff, build a Cube View instead and use FdxExecuteCubeView / FdxExecuteCubeViewTimePivot.

  • JackLacava's avatar
    12 months ago

    That's correct. The default consolidation algorithm effectively does not store the result of a bunch of consolidation calculations, and Fdx cannot extract what is not stored.

    I don't know what Fdx does when the Stored Share algorithm is used instead (i.e. those records are actually generated), but I wouldn't be surprised if it skipped those elements anyway.

  • The FDX Data unit api's will only work with C#Local or any base currency member e.g C#Currencies.Base from the Consolidation dimension. That is why you're getting an error when you are not using one of those cons members and it works when you do.

  • sameburn's avatar
    Contributor III

    The FDX Data unit api's will only work with C#Local or any base currency member e.g C#Currencies.Base from the Consolidation dimension. That is why you're getting an error when you are not using one of those cons members and it works when you do.

  • RobbSalzmann's avatar
    Valued Contributor II

    Make sure entity member KY00_Total exists the Consol cube, and that the user running the rule where the FDX method call is has access to that entity and all its base members.

    • Nikpowar97's avatar

      Yes the Entity Do exist in the Cube. and there is no security setup for the application. It is working for me on Local, USD but not for other Cons Member.

      • JackLacava's avatar
        Community Manager

        Can you actually see records against that member in Database / Tools / Data Records? FdxExecuteDataUnit deals only in hard data, anything not stored (e.g. Share etc) will not be extracted. If you want that type of stuff, build a Cube View instead and use FdxExecuteCubeView / FdxExecuteCubeViewTimePivot.

  • sameburn's avatar
    Contributor III

    The out of the box Data Management Export Data option might be path of least resistance to export data for those cons members