6 days agoNew Contributor II
Fetching text property by time
Hi, I'm trying to display a time-variant text property of the UD1 dimension member in a report. The challenge is that the text value can exist in any period of the member, so I currently loop thr...
- 4 days ago
Whilst the code you posted is a bit inefficient, I can't see a reason this loop would take 10 minutes unless you're running the insert query on every iteraton of the loop. Here are some ways you might optimize this, including construction of a single query for all inserts that would run at the end of the loop as a batch insert using a DataTable object. Also, added a convenience TimePeriod struct object for better readability and corrected the TimeDimHelper call & strDate part mentioned above. Hopefully this can help you.
Dim strStartPeriod As String = "2025M1" Dim strEndPeriod As String = "2026M12" Dim mbrId As Integer = 12345 Dim Mbr As String = "SalesGrowth" Dim desc As String = "Sales Growth Trend (YoY)" ' Call the subroutine to build and run the SQL RunInsert(si, mbrId, Mbr, desc, strStartPeriod, strEndPeriod) Public Sub RunInsert(si As SessionInfo, mbrId As Integer, Mbr As String, desc As String, strStartPeriod As String, strEndPeriod As String) Dim startPeriod As New TimePeriod(strStartPeriod, si) Dim endPeriod As New TimePeriod(strEndPeriod, si) Dim timeIdCache As New Dictionary(Of String, Integer) Dim dt As New DataTable("MemberTextbyDate_Table") ' Define columns expected by the destination table dt.Columns.Add("MemberId", GetType(Integer)) dt.Columns.Add("MemberName", GetType(String)) dt.Columns.Add("MemberDescription", GetType(String)) dt.Columns.Add("Text", GetType(String)) dt.Columns.Add("Date", GetType(String)) For year As Integer = startPeriod.Year To endPeriod.Year Dim maxMonth As Integer = If(year = endPeriod.Year, endPeriod.Month, 12) Dim minMonth As Integer = If(year = startPeriod.Year, startPeriod.Month, 1) For month As Integer = minMonth To maxMonth Dim strDate As String = $"{year}M{month}" Dim timeID As Integer If Not timeIdCache.TryGetValue(strDate, timeID) Then timeID = TimeDimHelper.GetIdFromName(strDate) timeIdCache(strDate) = timeID End If Dim myVaryByTimeId As Integer = BRApi.Finance.Members.GetMemberId(si, DimType.Time.Id, strDate) Dim mbrText As String = BRApi.Finance.UD.Text(si, 9, mbrId, 2, -1, myVaryByTimeId) If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mbrText) Then dt.Rows.Add(mbrId, Mbr, desc, mbrText, strDate) End If Next Next If dt.Rows.Count > 0 Then Dim dbLocation As String = "App:MemberTextbyDate_Table" ' or wherever your table is defined Dim useBulkInsert As Boolean = True Using dbConnApp As DbConnInfo = BRApi.Database.CreateApplicationDbConnInfo(si) BRApi.Database.SaveCustomDataTable(si, dbLocation, dbConnApp, dt, useBulkInsert) End Using End If End Sub ' ------------------------------- ' TimePeriod struct ' ------------------------------- Public Structure TimePeriod Public Property Year As Integer Public Property Month As Integer Public Property Id As Integer Public Sub New(name As String, si As SessionInfo) If Not Regex.IsMatch(name, "^\d{4}M\d{1,2}$") Then Throw New ArgumentException("Invalid period format. Expected 'YYYYM#'.", NameOf(name)) End If Year = Integer.Parse(name.Substring(0, 4)) Month = Integer.Parse(name.Substring(5)) Id = BRApi.Finance.Time.GetIdFromName(si, name) End Sub End Structure