Forum Discussion

RajDhillon's avatar
New Contributor
10 months ago

Guidelines on setting up databases for a OneStream Server Install

Hi everyone,

I'm just trying to set up a sandbox of the OneStream server for my own learning.  However, I'm not very knowledgeable on the database side and am not sure how to set up the databases required for the application.  I've installed SQL Server Developer version but as I'm not a database person, I'm not sure how to create the underlying databases.  Unfortunately the OneStream guides I'm following don't go into the details of the steps within the database (understandably).  Does anyone have any guides or describe the steps needed to create the underlying databases for the server?


  • JackLacava's avatar
    Honored Contributor

    There is no special requirement for Onestream databases for test purposes, just follow any beginner guide for the creation of default SQLServer databases. You can use SQL Server Management Studio or any other SQL server client.