Forum Discussion
Hijacking this topic. I have a hierarchy that has varied depths, some nodes are 3 children deep and some other are 5 etc.
I'm trying to make a multi select hierarchy filter for a BI Viewer.
Using the Tree View I am able to recreate the hierarchy I want, but I can't make it multiselect?
Using the Tree View in the BI Viewer, I can make it multiselect but then I can't dynamically show different levels of depths for each node?
Grateful for ideas.
Btw if you define an invalid tree hierarchy, such as recurring unique names, or making items parents of each other, the data adapter dataset is vieweable but the dashboard component it's attached to causes the program to crash instead of throwing an error.
Br, Jesper
Yogi Berra would tell you, "Recurring unique names are not unlike differing similarities." 😉
These are good questions. Its probably better to start a new forum topic for them so that others may find it. This topic is older and not getting much attention.
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