Forum Discussion

ethanmgomes's avatar
New Contributor II
11 months ago

Reference a parameter in a different workspace than default

I am executing a Copy Data Management step which references a literal parameter (NOT in Default workspace) to get the scenario value. However, I am receiving an "Invalid Parameter" error when trying to use the parameter even though I confirmed the parameter is named correctly and has a value. 

However, when I created the same parameter in the Default workspace, the Data Management step executed successfully. 

In a Data Management step, is there a way to denote which workspace the parameter should be coming from? I tried something like: workspace_name.|!Scenario_parameter!| but no luck. Is there any documentation on this? 

  • RobbSalzmann's avatar
    Valued Contributor II

    Adding some context: 
    Click on Workspaces, then the workspace the parameter belongs to:


  • RobbSalzmann's avatar
    Valued Contributor II

    ethanmgomes   If you're on version 7, using an XFBR will probably be the way to get to a parameter in a different workspace.

    Workspaces are a work in progress and not fully integrated in version 7 so we do some workarounds to get what they provide sometimes. 

    • ethanmgomes's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Hey Robb, I am on version 8.1

      Agree that XFBR will get the job done, but is there any method currently to differentiate which workspace is used when calling a parameter. 

  • jarrod's avatar
    New Contributor III

    we have exactly the same issue where we would like to hold global formatting parameters in a global workspace - using the shared workspace name on the Workspace settings allows this to work. I suspect if you upgraded to v8.4 and can create DM Jobs in your workspace you might be able to resolve your issue.

    • TGG_Alex's avatar

      jarrod- I don't believe this to be resolved in v8.4 but could be the specific use case we have.

      If the parameter is for formatting and referenced in a CubeView, the above settings seem to work ok - even in 7.4.2.  However, if the CubeView is then nested into a dashboard, then the cross Workspace reference does not appear to be resolved.  As a potential work around, it seems that a BR might be able to do this.

      Not sure if others have alternate suggestions.