Forum Discussion

SamKing's avatar
New Contributor II
7 months ago

Journals Translation

Hi All,

We've recently encountered a problem whereby a OneStream journal entry booked in local currency at year end 2023 is not reflecting correctly in 2024. In the example provided below you'll see that the local currency amount has rolled forward correctly, however this is then not being translated to our reporting currency (USD).

We've tried looking through the BR on the flow dimensions but haven't been able to identify the source of the problem.

Any help here would be greatly appreciated!


  • Henning's avatar
    Valued Contributor II

    Hi Sam, may I ask you to specify the problem a little further? What do you expect to see in which cell?

    • SamKing's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Hi Henning,

      The translation is based on closing rates.

      I've attached below the member formula used to calculate our opening balances.

      Imports System
      Imports System.Data
      Imports System.Data.Common
      Imports System.IO
      Imports System.Collections.Generic
      Imports System.Globalization
      Imports System.Linq
      Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
      Imports OneStream.Shared.Common
      Imports OneStream.Shared.Wcf
      Imports OneStream.Shared.Engine
      Imports OneStream.Shared.Database
      Imports OneStream.Stage.Engine
      Imports OneStream.Stage.Database
      Imports OneStream.Finance.Engine
      Imports OneStream.Finance.Database
      Namespace OneStream.Formula
          Public Class MainClass
              Public Sub Main(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal globals As BRGlobals, ByVal api as FinanceRulesApi, ByVal args as FinanceRulesArgs)
      Dim curScenario As String = api.Pov.Scenario.Name 
      Dim curTime As Member = api.Pov.Time
      Dim curYear As Integer = TimeDimHelper.GetSubComponentsFromId(curTime.MemberId).Year
      Dim curMonth As Integer = TimeDimHelper.GetSubComponentsFromId(curTime.MemberId).Month	
      Dim ScenOpe As String = api.Scenario.Text(api.Pov.Scenario.MemberId, 1)
      Dim referenceBR As New OneStream.BusinessRule.Finance.OpeningScenario.MainClass
      Dim OpeScenario As String = referenceBR.fctOpeningScenario(si, api, args)
      If Not api.Entity.HasChildren() Then
      '	If curScenario = "ACTUAL" 'And curYear = "xxx" Then
      '		api.Data.ClearCalculatedData("F#OpenBal_Calc:O#AdjConsolidated",False,True,True)                                                                                                                                  	                                       	              	                     
      '		' P1   
      '			If api.Time.IsFirstPeriodInYear Then
      '				'Local entity prior year M12 closing balance brought forward - U4#Local_Total to U4#Local_Data and O#BeforeElim to O#Import
      '				api.Data.Calculate("F#OpenBal_Calc:O#Import = RemoveZeros(F#Closing:O#BeforeElim:T#POVPriorYearM12)")
      '			Else
      '		' P2-12
      '				'Local entity prior year M12 closing balance brought forward - U5#Local_Total to U5#Local_Data and O#BeforeElim to O#Import
      '				api.Data.Calculate("F#OpenBal_Calc:O#Import = RemoveZeros(F#OpenBal_Calc:O#BeforeElim:T#POVPrior1)")
      '			End If		
      '	End If
      	'Exclude CY_ProfitLoss which should not roll forward
      	If curScenario = "ACTUAL" Then 'And curYear = "xxx" Then
      		'HvdK 20210720 - disable below Clear due to DV
      		' P1   
      		If curMonth = 1 Then
      			api.Data.Calculate("F#OpenBal_Calc = S#" & OpeScenario &":F#Closing:T#PovPriorYearM12)","A#GROUP_BS_STRUCTURES.Base.Remove(A#L701_OS, A#L701, A#INTERCO_EQUITY)")
      			api.Data.Calculate("A#L701:F#OpenBal_Calc = RemoveZeros(A#L701:S#" & OpeScenario &":F#Closing:T#PovPriorYearM12 + A#L701_OS:S#" & OpeScenario &":F#Closing:T#PovPriorYearM12)")
      			If api.Pov.Cons.Name = "Elimination" Then
      				api.Data.Calculate("F#OpenBal_Calc:O#Elimination = S#" & OpeScenario & ":O#Elimination:F#Closing:T#PovPriorYearM12","A#GROUP_BS_STRUCTURES.Base.Remove(A#L701_OS, A#L701, A#INTERCO_EQUITY)")	
      				api.Data.Calculate("A#L701:F#OpenBal_Calc:O#Elimination = RemoveZeros(A#L701:S#" & OpeScenario &":O#Elimination:F#Closing:T#PovPriorYearM12 + A#L701_OS:S#" & OpeScenario &":O#Elimination:F#Closing:T#PovPriorYearM12)")
      			End If
      		' P2-P12   
      			api.Data.Calculate("F#OpenBal_Calc = F#OpenBal_Calc:T#PovPrior1)","A#GROUP_BS_STRUCTURES.Base.Remove(A#L701_OS)")
      			If api.Pov.Cons.Name = "Elimination" Then
      				api.Data.Calculate("F#OpenBal_Calc:O#Elimination = O#Elimination:F#OpenBal_Calc:T#PovPrior1","A#GROUP_BS_STRUCTURES.Base.Remove(A#L701_OS)")	
      			End If
      		End If
      	End If
      '	If curScenario = "BUDGET" Then 'Source Opening balances from Actual PY M12
      '		If api.Time.IsFirstPeriodInYear Then	'If it is Month 1 - Get opening from the prior year Actual Closing 
      '			'Set the source Scenario
      '			Dim sSrcScenario As String = OpeScenario
      '			'Set the destination scenario based on the Forecast POV being calculated
      '			Dim sDestScenario As String = api.Pov.Scenario.Name
      '			'Get the Current Time ID - Needed for specific functions
      '			Dim iCurTimeId As Integer = api.Pov.Time.MemberId
      '			Dim sCurTime As String = api.Pov.Time.Name
      '			'Get the Current Year ID - Needed for specific functions (to define Prior Year)
      '			Dim iCurYear As Integer = api.Time.GetYearFromId(api.Pov.Time.MemberId)
      '			'Define the Prior Year End 
      '			Dim iPriorYear As Integer = curYear - 1
      '			Dim sPriorYE As String = iPriorYear.XFToString & "M12"	
      '			'Clear any existing data (including durable)
      '				api.Data.ClearCalculatedData("S#" & sDestScenario & ":T#" & sCurTime &":F#OpenBal_Calc",True,True,True,True)
      '	 '1			This section defines the destination and source data buffers as variables.  This allows us to run a series of functions, hold them in memory and then use the results in other functions.
      '	 '1a:			This is the destination Data Buffer or the left side of the equation. Define the Destination Info that varies from the Source.		
      '					Dim destination As ExpressionDestinationInfo = api.Data.GetExpressionDestinationInfo("S#" & curScenario &":T#" & sCurTime & ":F#OpenBal_calc:O#Import")
      '	 '1b:			There is one Source Data Buffers.  This will define the right side of the equation.
      '	 '1b1:          Define actualPYE: This Data Buffer is looking at the priorYear M12 and pulling the YTD value for a specific intersection.
      '					Dim closingPYE As DataBuffer = api.Data.GetDataBuffer(DataApiScriptMethodType.Calculate, "S#" & sSrcScenario &":F#Closing:O#BeforeElim:T#" & sPriorYE &"",False, destination)
      '	 '2:			Due to extensibility, we need to convert the Source Data Buffers From Detailed Actual to a Summary Budget Destination Data Buffer.  
      '					'The summaryBudget Data Buffers below will use the results From our actualPYE Data Buffers In the previous section.
      '	 '2a:           Define the Data Buffer for each summaryBudget line.  
      '	 				Dim summaryBudget As DataBuffer = api.Data.ConvertDataBufferExtendedMembers("Reporting", "Actual" , closingPYE)
      '	 '3:			In this section, we will set the name for each summaryBudget formula variable above and cache the results in memory.
      '					api.Data.FormulaVariables.SetDataBufferVariable("summaryBudget", summaryBudget, False)
      '	 '4:			Can Calculate here - Calculate a Formula Variables for Trailing 12 Month Avg. Example:(FormulaVariable1 + FormulaVariable2 + FormulaVariable3)/12
      '					Dim result As DataBuffer = api.Data.GetDataBufferUsingFormula("($summaryBudget)")
      '	 '5:			Set the Data Buffer results after calculation is completed using Accounts and O#Import for Destination Info. 
      '					api.Data.SetDataBuffer(result,destination,,,,,,,,,,,,,True)
      '	'6:				Clear L701_OS (RE Profit for the year) which does not roll-fwd				
      '					api.Data.ClearCalculatedData("A#L701_OS:S#" & sDestScenario & ":T#" & sCurTime &":F#OpenBal_Calc",True,True,True,True)
      '		Else 	'For all other months, source from prior month as this is more efficient than going across years
      '			api.Data.Calculate("F#OpenBal_Calc:O#Import:S#" + curScenario + " = RemoveZeros(S#" + curScenario + ":F#OpenBal_Calc:O#BeforeElim:T#POVPrior1)")
      '		End If						
      '	Else If curScenario = "BUDGET_WORKING" Or curScenario = "BUDGET_PRE" Then' Source Opening balances from Sep FC  ("BUDGET_PRE" is a copy of BUDGET_WORKING)
      	If curScenario = "BUDGET_WORKING" Or curScenario = "BUDGET_PRE" Or curScenario = "BUDGET" Then' Source Opening balances from Sep FC  ("BUDGET_PRE" is a copy of BUDGET_WORKING)		
      '		brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si,"opening scen - " & OpeScenario)
      		If api.Time.IsFirstPeriodInYear Then	'If it is Month 1 - Get opening from the PY FCT09 P12 Closing 
      			api.Data.Calculate("F#OpenBal_Calc:O#Import:S#" + curScenario + " = RemoveZeros(S#" + OpeScenario + ":F#Closing:O#BeforeElim:T#POVPriorYearM12)","A#GROUP_BS_STRUCTURES.Base.Remove(A#L701_OS, A#L701)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,)
      			api.Data.Calculate("A#L701:F#OpenBal_Calc:O#Import:S#" + curScenario + " = RemoveZeros(A#L701:S#" + OpeScenario + ":F#Closing:O#BeforeElim:T#POVPriorYearM12 + A#L701_OS:S#" + OpeScenario + ":F#Closing:O#BeforeElim:T#POVPriorYearM12)")
      		Else 	'For all other months, source from prior month as this is more efficient than going across years
      			api.Data.Calculate("F#OpenBal_Calc:O#Import:S#" + curScenario + " = RemoveZeros(S#" + curScenario + ":F#OpenBal_Calc:O#BeforeElim:T#POVPrior1)")
      		End If
      	End If
      End If
      'HvdK 20210720 - Ret Earnings Opening should be calculated at parent entities as well
      If api.Entity.HasChildren() Then
      	api.Data.Calculate("A#L701:F#OpenBal_Calc = RemoveZeros(A#L701:S#" & OpeScenario &":F#Closing:T#PovPriorYearM12 + A#L701_OS:S#" & OpeScenario &":F#Closing:T#PovPriorYearM12)")
      End If
      'End XFFormula
                  Catch ex As Exception
                      Throw New XFException(si, ex)
                  End Try
              End Sub
      'End XFHelperfunctions
          End Class
      End Namespace


      • Henning's avatar
        Valued Contributor II

        Thank you for the rule, but for a simpleton like me, may I ask for the exact issue, just to ensure we are on the same page?

        From the description, I thought you meant the opening balances are incorrect, but I think they are correct (in red). Your issue is the yellow numbers, correct? So that opening + movement = closing, is that what you need to solve?