Knowledge Base Article

Bug - Schedule 07 Tax Account Reconciliation Translation Rule

This relates to release PV7.3.0  SV100. You will need to apply this fix to the OpenPlace solution.

This fix was discovered by Julien Coudrette from Finit Solutions. Thank you Julien for bringing this to our attention.

CSRC case # CSRC0109262 


An extra line of code to help calculate the translated opening balance account was applied incorrectly. 


Go to the Finance rule "TXP_BusinessRules".

Go to the section "Schedule07TaxAccountReconciliationTranslation".

The issue is with the first BR only.

Remove the highlighted row.

Your BR should look something similar to this:

You can leave the old rule in place, but comment out the lines with a single quote (').

Note: Beware of the syntax - the 2nd line needs the "&" to be replaced with an "_".

Here is the actual code that you can copy into your BR's:

api.Data.Calculate("V#YTD:A#TXP_TxROpeningBal:I#None:O#Import:U5#None:U6#None:U8#None = " & _
" RemoveNoData(S#" & calcSession.OpenBalScenario & ":T#PovPriorYearM12:V#YTD:A#TXP_TxREndingBalance:O#BeforeAdj:U5#None:U6#None:U8#None)" _







Updated 4 months ago
Version 4.0
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