Forum Discussion

kmd's avatar
Contributor II
2 years ago

Keeping the 'focus' on the current tab in a multi-tabbed dashboard

Been searching for a while on the forums and knowledge base and documentation - maybe I'm not searching with the right text because I'm sure we can't be the only ones to deal with this.

In a multi-tabbed dashboard, we have a button on each tab to 'Refresh CubeView' which is supposed to refresh the current cube view.

The button is connected to a "Selection Changed User Interface Action" and the action selected is "Refresh" with a number of dashboards listed to be refreshed.

Our problem is that when the Refresh Button is clicked on, after refreshing, the focus takes the user away from their current tab and re-selects the first tab in the dashboard.

Does anyone know if there's a way to control this so that the focus remains on the current tab?

  • OS_Pizza's avatar
    Contributor III
    The button is connected to a "Selection Changed User Interface Action" and the action selected is "Refresh" with a number of dashboards listed to be refreshed -
    Are you trying to refresh other tab dashboard ? Assign the embeded dashboard(cube View) for that speicifc tab . It will then only refresh your current tab embedded dashboard.
    • kmd's avatar
      Contributor II

      Yeah that's what I was thinking as well.  It looks like the OS consultants set this button up to refer to all the individual dashboards that could be involved in order to avoid having to have a button for every dashboard.  It sounds like I'm going to have to clean that up and just create new buttons for every dashboard.
      Thanks for confirming what I suspected.

      • OS_Pizza's avatar
        Contributor III

        Please give kudos or mark the reply as accepted solution 🙂

  • kmd's avatar
    Contributor II

    Thanks so much Bill - great information.  I figured there had to be something somewhere in this forum but struggled to find relevant results in my searches.  Thanks again!