Forum Discussion

DavidT's avatar
New Contributor III
10 months ago

New to OneStream - Account Dimension build


I'm new to OneStream and wondering if this Account rollup is possible using inherited Account dimensions?

Cube 1 is the Main cube and needs to show all Accounts, but the Cube2&3 should only show & operate on a subset of Accounts within this Hierarchy

Thanks for your help!


  • Krishna's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    Hi - It can be achieved using the extensibility, There should be 3 levels of extensibility and each cube should assign the respective account in the Cube Dimension settings.

    • DavidT's avatar
      New Contributor III

      This seems the most direct way of doing it:


      Cube 2:

      Cube 3:

      Anything that is common aross all 3 cubes, I put on the parent Cube1 Hierarchy... but my question is really does Cube 1 allow inputs on the lower levels? 

      Does Cube 1 even see the detailed accounts? and/or does Cube 2 and Cube 3 see the parent accounts defined in Cube 1?



      • JackLacava's avatar
        Honored Contributor

        Cube 2 and 3 will see parent Accounts, they are automatically aggregated.

        Cube 1 will only see data for DT_REVENUE and DT_COST, it will not know anything about lower levels.

  • DavidT's avatar
    New Contributor III

    I've built an alt view of the Account dimension (I tried to define relationships across dimensions, but was not able to do so, so instead of a top-down approach, I went bottom-up. 

    The issues that I encountered were:

    1. I could not add Members with the same name to different structures if they were already defined in another dimension rollup (say sibling Dimensions that don't inherit)... I would have to change the member name.

    2. I could not add relationships between two different Dimensions (siblings of one another).

    3. I could not have a Child Dimension inherit from 2 Dimensions.

    So this may work, I'm not sure.

    1st Level (Cube 3) - Lowest level

    2nd Level (Cube 2) Add some Revenue Accounts and some Cost Accounts

    Level 3 (Cube 1) Really the main cube where all data should be visible