Forum Discussion

marisolbritton's avatar
New Contributor III
2 years ago

Not receiving emails

Hi! I just ran a parcel and didn't receive an email.  This has been working fine.  The log shows it was successful.  Email's not in junk folder either.  Do you know what else I can check? 

  • NicolasArgente's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    Hi marisolbritton !
    With Emails issues, there could be many reasons. On the server side, on the client side...
    However, the good news is that you are mentioning that it was working fine and the logs says it was successful.  Have you tried to send the parcel to another email (outside of your company one)?
    Are you using OneStreamEmail or a custom SMTP server? It is also possible that the email gets parked and it will come later (How long ago did you  run the parcel?).
    In the worst case, did you try the IIS reset?