Forum Discussion

Elena's avatar
New Contributor II
2 years ago

Org-By-Period in multi-cube application

Has anyone gained experience with the 'org-by-period' consolidation in a multi-cube application?

We are currently addressing changes in organizational structure. Specifically, we need to consolidate one of the entities within a single cube up to month 10 and in a different cube thereafter. We have a primary cube and several segment cubes that roll up into it, utilizing the extended Entity dimension.

The initial challenge I'm encountering is related to adding the entity to a different cube hierarchy. Does anyone have insight into how to resolve this?

Once the entity is added to the second hierarchy, I plan to update the Consolidation Algorithm to 'Org-By-Period Elimination,' set 'Percent consolidation' in both hierarchies, and change the consolidation view to 'Periodic.' I would greatly appreciate any insights on how to resolve the existing error and what to expect or pay attention to in the next steps.

  • The recommended approach here would be to rename the entity in the old segment relationship to be a historical member and then create the entity in the new segment with the current name. Since the Entity is rolling to the Tot_Org from two different sub-cubes the org-by-period functionality cannot be applied. For this functionality to work with the appropriate multiple relationships and consolidation percent settings, the entity needs to reside in the same cube. From there the entity could have relationships to different parent cubes. So an option would be to have a 3 tiered cube structure, where the base entity would be connected to a higher level segment cube with varying time/consolidation properties. 

  • JackLacava's avatar
    Community Manager

    Are you typing out the parent name? That error message seems to have a space after "_", which would break the lookup. Try selecting members from the ellipses menu instead.

    • Elena's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Hi Jack,

      I copy an entity and then use 'Paste Relationship (Add)' to the desired location. There's no chance for a typo.

      The space in the error message is because I'm replacing the actual entity name in the screenshot.



      • JackLacava's avatar
        Community Manager

        Ok, I see what's happening: you're copying and pasting across a dimension that is composed of various dimensions, and your source and target dimensions are different. Yeah, you cannot do that.

        What you can do, however, is:

        1. identify which dimensions actually contain the new parent and the new child (i.e. where each member is not greyed out). It's called the Member Dimension in member Properties, in this case it's "HoustonEntities":
        2. Open the Dimension that actually contains the parent
        3. Select the parent and click Add Relationship for Selected Member
        4. In the menu, select the child from the dimension that actually contains it.

        You'll have to pay attention to not creating circular dependencies though. If you plan to continue using the same cubes where you already have data, data for the child member will still be stored in the same child cube.

  • Elena's avatar
    New Contributor II

    Now, when the entity is in the desired place, I can update its relationship properties in both hierarchies. Also, the consolidation view should be switched to Periodic. What consequences should I anticipate after changing the Consolidation View for the Scenario from YTD to Periodic in the application with existing data? 

    • JackLacava's avatar
      Community Manager

      That's above my paygrade 😅 I would say take backups and test in your development environment. Changing the consolidation view will very likely impact a lot of rules though, assuming a moderately complex application.

      • Elena's avatar
        New Contributor II

        Thank you, Jack! I'll test and share the results here.

  • Elena's avatar
    New Contributor II
    To sum up, having the same entity in two cubes doesn't appear to be a viable option unless I overlooked any crucial settings or configurations.
    The below error popped up during consolidation after I updated Relationship Properties in both hierarchies, changed Consolidation Algorithm Type to 'Org-By-Period Elimination' in all cubes, and set Scenario's Consolidation View to 'Periodic':
    I am going to add a new entity to solve this. Meanwhile I would appreciate it if anyone with experience in multi-cube applications could share their insights and advice on the best approach to consolidating one entity in one cube for part of the year and in another cube afterward.
    • RyanB's avatar
      New Contributor

      The recommended approach here would be to rename the entity in the old segment relationship to be a historical member and then create the entity in the new segment with the current name. Since the Entity is rolling to the Tot_Org from two different sub-cubes the org-by-period functionality cannot be applied. For this functionality to work with the appropriate multiple relationships and consolidation percent settings, the entity needs to reside in the same cube. From there the entity could have relationships to different parent cubes. So an option would be to have a 3 tiered cube structure, where the base entity would be connected to a higher level segment cube with varying time/consolidation properties. 

      • Elena's avatar
        New Contributor II

        Ryan, many thanks for your help on this.