Forum Discussion

Vincent's avatar
New Contributor III
2 years ago

[QuickView] Cross Time and Scenario Filters

Hello, Is it possible on the same quickview to cross both Time and Scenario Filter? For example I need the cross of  : Time "2022" with scenario "ESTIMATE" Time "2023" with scenario "Planning_202...
  • db_pdx's avatar
    2 years ago

    Hi Vincent: I would recommend using an override (we call them 'mashups' internally).  You'll remove the Scenario from your column filter and append it to each specific time period. For example:


    If you want to make it clear that overrides are applied, use the :Name() function at the end with MemberFilter variables. Example:

    T#2022:S#ESTIMATE:Name(|MFTime| |MFScenario|),
    T#2023:S#Planning_2023M10:Name(|MFTimeDesc| |MFScenarioDesc|)