Forum Discussion

mpavan's avatar
New Contributor II
2 years ago

Derive account based on Data Value in Transformation Rules.

Hello Experts,    We have a requirement to derive account based on Data value. (If data value is Positive Asset Account , if negative Liability account) This has to be done for range of accounts. ...
  • LeeB's avatar
    2 years ago

    One commonly used technique for value-based mapping is to bypass the original Account and create 2 Derivative Rules that prefix/append DR or CR depending on the value (use the Create If option).  You can then map the Accounts created by the Derivative Rule accordingly.

  • mpavan's avatar
    2 years ago

    Hello Lee, 

    Sorry for the delay.

    I had started to work on it but unfortunately account hierarchy is little messy and we do not have a defined range. Due to missing range Derivate rules are becoming complex. We went with the Event Handler rule that runs after transformation,

    For Each row As DataRow In objTransformer.DataCache.CurrentPage.PageDataTable.Rows
    Dim targetAccount As String = row(accountColIndex + StageConstants.TransformationColumnIncrements.Target)
    If targetAccount.Length > 0 Then
    Select Case targetAccount
    'Check for credit based accounts
    Case Is = "Trade Account"
    'We are on a credit account, flip the sign
    row(stageConstants.MasterKeyNames.FlipSign) = "True"
    End Select

