Derivative Transformation Rule ActualQuantity field as Amount
I would like to create a derivative transformation rule that will add _Qty to the end of the Account and pull the ActualQuantity field from the data source as the Amount.
My DataSource has a field for ActualQuantity.
I have a Derivative Rule that looks like this:
The complex expression on the derivative rule is:
this returns 0 instead of the amount in the ActualQuantity field.
Thank you in advance.
It's difficult to judge without looking at your full datasource configuration, but there are many ways to skin this particular cat. You could map the column to an Attribute Value dimension (e.g. AttributeValue1), then use args.GetNumericValue("AV1#") . You could get it by column index from api.Parser.DelimitedParsedValues(yourColIndex). Keep in mind that most values will be treated as text, not Numeric, even if they are numbers; so you will want to get them as "Dimension Values", unless they are in Amount or in Attribute Values.