9 months agoNew Contributor III
Search for member usage in cube views
Could you tell me if there is a way to search in which cube views a certain member is used/referenced ?
I thought of doing a export of XML and do a search in notepad++ but maybe there is a better way/more user friendly for administrators which are not technical (which is the case for my current client)
Thank you
That is a really good idea Henning. And I have written a BR to do just that. Here is the code I used for reading the XML string in case it helps:
Dim sql As New Text.StringBuilder sql.Append("SELECT Name, Description, XMLData ") sql.Append("FROM CUBEVIEWITEM ") sql.Append("ORDER BY NAME ") Using dbConnApp As DbConnInfo = BRApi.Database.CreateApplicationDbConnInfo(si) Dim dt As DataTable = BRApi.Database.ExecuteSql(dbConnApp, sql.ToString, False) If dt.Rows.Count > 0 Then For Each dr As DataRow In dt.Rows() Dim CVName As String = dr("NAME") Dim CVDesc As String = dr("DESCRIPTION") Dim XMLString As String = dr("XMLData") Dim DimensionStringID as String = "A#Revenue" If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(XMLString) Then ' Load the XML string into an XDocument Dim xdoc As XDocument = XDocument.Parse(XMLString) ' Query all memberFilter nodes and filter those containing strings starting with the DimensionStringID eg A#, U1# Dim memberFilters = From mf In xdoc.Descendants("memberFilter") Where mf.Value.Contains(DimensionStringID) Select mf.Value ' Process each memberFilter node value For Each filter As String In memberFilters ' Split the filter value by colon and find elements starting with DimensionStringID eg A#, U1# Dim elements = filter.Split(":"c) Dim memberElements = From el In elements Where el.StartsWith(DimensionStringID) Select el ' Save the member element For Each memberElement As String In memberElements ' Comes through as A#Revenue so get just Revenue Dim HashIndex As Integer = memberElement.IndexOf("#"c) Dim thisMember As String = memberElement.Substring(HashIndex + 1) ' Add to output somehow.... Next Next End If Next End If End Using