9 months agoNew Contributor II
Setting Dynamic No Input Period for Scenario
Hi Team,
Is there a way to set the No Input period property for Scenario dimension using XFBR/Parameter dynamically through DM Jobs.
for ex: a new scenario test2, needs to be copied with test1 sc...
- 9 months ago
Thanks for clarifying, in this case, I'd suggest writing a seeding calculation / data copy rule (maybe copying O#BeforeAdj to O#Import) instead of using the out of the box Data Copy step.
This Finance Rule calculation could still be triggered from a DataManagement Step if that's what you are looking for.
That would be simpler and resolve both the issue with the data copy and the consolidation.
Just for completeness, although not my preferred option for this case, what you are looking for is also technically possible. Not by using an XFBR / parameter but by updating the metadata via the following function: BRApi.Finance.MemberAdmin.SaveMemberInfo
Hope this helps.
- 6 months ago
Hi seangly,
This should work:
'Update the following parameters as intended Dim newWFNoInputNumber As Integer = 2 Dim sampleMbrName As String = "test" Dim dimensionTypeId As DimTypeId = dimTypeId.Scenario 'logic to update the Scenario WorkflowNumNoInputTimePeriods setting Dim mbrInfo As MemberInfo = BRApi.Finance.Members.GetMemberInfo(si, dimensionTypeId, sampleMbrName, True) mbrInfo.GetScenarioProperties.WorkflowNumNoInputTimePeriods.SetStoredValue(newWFNoInputNumber)