Forum Discussion

CarlosAlvear's avatar
2 years ago

Using "<" or ">" as a description in metadata

Dear all,

I'd like to know how you deal with this kind of case, because > and < symbols are special for .XML files. I have a case where the description uses a ">" or "<" symbols but they are not properly recognized once they have been loaded, instead they are loaded as "&gt;" or "&lt;". Do you know how to define them so the load would work properly?


Thank you.

  • Can you expand on the question? Where do you want to define them? What process are you going through that needs <> defined as &lt; &gt;?

    Your summary is correct: there are a number of characters that XML needs to treat differently and <> are 2 of them. You must 'escape' these special characters using the &gt; and &lt; strings. That is how they must appear in the XML file and OneStream will display them as < and >. 

  • MarcusH's avatar
    Contributor III

    Can you expand on the question? Where do you want to define them? What process are you going through that needs <> defined as &lt; &gt;?

    Your summary is correct: there are a number of characters that XML needs to treat differently and <> are 2 of them. You must 'escape' these special characters using the &gt; and &lt; strings. That is how they must appear in the XML file and OneStream will display them as < and >. 

  • Thank you Marcus, yes, those values should be in the XML so that they can be read by OS properly.

    Thank you for your answer!