What is Upgrade Process for Cloud hosted Applications and Level of Internal Testing Recommended
Is there a document that describes the upgrade process for clients hosted in the OneStream cloud?
What level of client testing is recommended and how is the testing and potential failover is handled, in case unexpected issues are encountered?
Thank you
Hi nkehli,
There's no costs associated to the upgrade. I'd advise you to open a ticket and support will happily send you the list with the steps and process involved.
If you are unsure about upgrading, assuming you have two environments (even if the Dev end is of a much smaller spec) you could potentially ask to upgrade the Dev env first so you could run some tests to make you comfortable with the upgrade prior to do it in Prod.
Furthermore, if you are migrating from Pre v8 to 8.2.2 I believe OS duplicates the servers while completing the upgrade process, meaning that for that limited amount of time you'll have both current and 8.2.2 environments up and running so you could potentially do the tests and ensure you are good to go before sunsetting the current environments.
Reach out to support as I'm sure they'll be happy to explain the different options and ensure you are comfortable with the process.
Hope this helps.