Forum Discussion

sszelei's avatar
New Contributor
3 months ago

Accessing User Entered Data on a Dashboard CubeView

I have a dashboard with a cubeview.  The user is allowed to enter data into multiple cells and then save.  I have a save event handler to verify the data entered, however, I cannot access all of the information at one time.  The event handler provides access to one cell at a time.  Also,within each row I have a cell where users may change the numeric value and another where they type in an annotation.  Changes to the numeric value cells will fire the event handler however changes to the annotation cells alone will not trigger the event handler.  Is there any way to access the entire cubeview pre saved data to verify entries.  I need to know that if a user entered a value that they also entered an annotation or if the user removed an annotation where a numeric value existed on that row.  

  • pranav46's avatar
    Contributor II

    Seems like you want capability to audit cell and want to display in dashboard. If that is the case then there are couple of tables like "DataCellDetail", "DataEntryAuditCell", DataEntryAuditSource" which might give some info but you got to join with Framwork db to get userID.

    I am not sure if same table keep annotation detail or you might need to join another. 

    • sszelei's avatar
      New Contributor


      I looked through the args and do not see these items.  would you happen to have a code snippet to share that would point me in the right direction?

  • sszelei's avatar
    New Contributor

    so maybe this may help.  I need to verify the white cell containing 90 and the white cell containing the text "more data" both have values in them prior to saving this data to the cube.  On the save event handler I can get the cell with the 90 in it but I cannot get the cell with the text "more data" in it. using

    Dim oCell As DataCell = args.NewDataCell

    Dim oCellPK As DataCellPk = oCell.DataCellPK


    how do I get the annotation cell within the same handler call as I get the cell containing the amount 90?

  • Henning's avatar
    Valued Contributor II

    Hi, annotations are not part of a data cell. A data cell only contains "data". DataCellEx contains annotations. E.g.

    Dim cellText As String = cell.DataCellEx.DataCellAnnotation


    However, this all looks like potential overkill for something that could easily be achieved using Confirmation Rules. Adding a Confirmation step after the Workspace step in the workflow (provided this is the case) would add this process step for the users to complete their workflow. I know, having this directly as part of the dashboard is more "convenient". However, save data event handlers should only be used where absolutely necessary due to their impact on performance. That is why in such a case I tend to recommend to explore other options. On top of the Confirmation way, one can also add dynamic cells in the CV that immediately display an error message in a CV cell based on the entered values that the users can see and act upon as needed. The confirmation rule would mirror those and block the users from proceeding should they forget about it.