Forum Discussion

kmd's avatar
Contributor II
2 years ago

Adding spacing within a dashboard - how?

Hi all,
Trying to figure out how to position a component in a particular column (or give the appearance of that)
It's a grid type and has 5 columns, 2 rows and 6 components (previously 6 columns, 1 row and 6 components but it's too wide for the screen that way)

My hope was to put the 6th component on the far right of the dashboard (or at least to the right of the splitter) in a 2nd row.  There's no way in a Grid type dashboard that I can see where you can force a component to use a particular column, or is there and I just missed it?

I've tried adding big margins to force it right but that doesn't work either.
I'm thinking either this is not possible in a single dashboard and I will have to create a new 1 row dashboard to put that label component in.  But I would sure love to hear any ideas.  It feels like this should definitely be doable but I'm stumped.  

I'm adding a diagram for better understanding of what I'm trying to accomplish

Much thanks in advance for any suggestions.

  • The Grid layout will place available components in each generated grid cell with a simple flow: left to right, top to bottom. There is no way around it. So if you have 2 rows and 5 columns, widgets will be placed like this (according to the order you attached them in):

    Comp1 Comp2 Comp3 Comp4 Comp5
    Comp6 Comp7 Comp8 Comp9 Comp10

    The simplest workaround, if you want to use cell 10 without populating 6 to 9, is to... populate them anyway 😊 by attaching blank Label components or transparent Image components in positions 6 to 9. As long as the system sees a component when it gets to a cell, it will move on to the next cell.

  • JackLacava's avatar
    Community Manager

    The Grid layout will place available components in each generated grid cell with a simple flow: left to right, top to bottom. There is no way around it. So if you have 2 rows and 5 columns, widgets will be placed like this (according to the order you attached them in):

    Comp1 Comp2 Comp3 Comp4 Comp5
    Comp6 Comp7 Comp8 Comp9 Comp10

    The simplest workaround, if you want to use cell 10 without populating 6 to 9, is to... populate them anyway 😊 by attaching blank Label components or transparent Image components in positions 6 to 9. As long as the system sees a component when it gets to a cell, it will move on to the next cell.

  • kmd's avatar
    Contributor II

     Thanks very much!  I don't know why I didn't think of that in the first place.  Much appreciated