Forum Discussion

DC's avatar
New Contributor III
3 years ago

Annotation - Comments


The customer would like to explain a dollar variance between Budget and Actual by leveraging 4 columns of data to explain the difference displayed: enter a dollar amount, a combo box to select a type of UD1 data timing (Perm/Temp) and another combo box to select UD8 driver type (Audit Change/Scope Change) with the last column for a comment. 

The comment input cell has the following: V#Annotation with UD3&UD5 based upon the CV POV selection and the remaining UD's set to None; V#Annotation:UD1#None:UD8#None.

For reporting purposes the customer would like to associate the commentary entered with the Combo Box selections made for UD1 and UD8.


What is the best method to do this?

I have tried the following:

api.Data.Calculate("U8#AuditChange:V#Annotation:U1#Perm":O#Import" _
& " = U8#None:V#Annotation:U1#None:O#Top")

  • To piggyback on Jon's reply. Annotations are attachments by nature, so they can't be treated as regular data cell in your code. So you need to attach them to the respective datacells in the way Jon suggested. 

    • DC's avatar
      New Contributor III

      Thanks Jo.  I'll try that option.  Here's a doc I put together to hopefully better explain the intent of the solution that I'm seeking.

  • TheJonG's avatar
    Contributor III

    Hi Daisy - I am not sure I totally follow...are you trying to move or copy the comment the user entered? If so, api.Data.Calculate will not work for copying annotations or commentary. Something like the below would work.


    Dim yourText As String = api.Data.GetDataCellEx("U8#AuditChange:V#Annotation:U1#Perm:O#Import").DataCellAnnotation
  • d_rochford's avatar
    New Contributor



    I have am using U5 member for my client to write comments based on U8 Member which checks the variance between 2 columns and puts a Yes/No or prior year not used in the UD8 on the report.  UD8 is set as a Dynamic cal formula. Below is an example for Income Statement change to prior month, periodic view.


    Dim timeName As String = Api.Pov.Time.Name
    Dim timeId As String = Api.Pov.Time.MemberId
    Dim priorTime As Integer = api.Time.AddTimePeriods(-1,True)
    Dim priorTimeName As String = api.Time.GetNameFromId(priorTime)
    Dim acct As String = api.Pov.Account.Name
    Dim cc As String = api.Pov.UD1.Name

    'Const None_All = ":O#Top:F#None:I#None:U1#None:U2#None:U3#None:U4#None:U5#None:U6#None:U7#None:U8#None"

    'GetDataCell("T#WF:V#Periodic-T#WFPrior1:V#Periodic"):Name("Prior Mo Var")

    Dim current As Decimal = api.Data.GetDataCell("A#[" & acct & "]:U1#[" & cc & "]:C#USD:V#Periodic:T#" & timeName & ":U8#None").CellAmount
    Dim prior As Decimal = api.Data.GetDataCell("A#[" & acct & "]:U1#[" & cc & "]:C#USD:V#Periodic:T#" & priorTimeName & ":U8#None").CellAmount

    Dim curr As String = api.Pov.Cons.Name
    Dim ent As String = api.Pov.Entity.Name

    'Return the specified number of characters from the start of the text string
    Dim acctname As String = api.Pov.Account.Name '<--Text string containing characters to extract
    Dim numChars As Integer = 1 '<--Number of characters in string to be extracted
    Dim rightChars As String = "R"

    If ViewMember.IsAnnotationTypeViewId(api.Pov.View.MemberId) Then
    If (curr = "USD" And ent = "SWM_Legal_Consolidated") Then

    If (Not System.Math.Abs(prior) > 0) And System.Math.Abs(current) > 1 Then
    Return "Acct not used Last year"
    Else If (System.Math.Abs(prior) = 0) And System.Math.Abs(current) = 0 Then
    Return " "

    Else If (((System.Math.Abs(current - prior) > 2000000) And (System.Math.Abs((current - prior) / prior) > .094999))) Then
    Return "Yes > $ 2,000,000 and 10%"

    End If
    End If
    If (curr = "USD" And Not ent = "SWM_Legal_Consolidated") Then

    If (Not System.Math.Abs(prior) > 0) And System.Math.Abs(current) > 1 Then
    Return "Acct not used Last year"
    Else If (System.Math.Abs(prior) = 0) And System.Math.Abs(current) = 0 Then
    Return " "

    Else If System.Math.Abs(current - prior) > 1000000 Then

    Return "Yes > $ 1,000,000"

    Else If (((System.Math.Abs(current - prior) > 500000) And (System.Math.Abs((current - prior) / prior) > .094999))) Then
    Return "Yes > $ 500,000 and 10%"
    Return "No"
    End If
    End If

    End If

    Note, I then created a U5# Dynamic calc formula to consolidate the U5 comments entered to the parent entity


    'Cube View definition
    'Row Definition: E#[Total GolfStream].tree
    'Col1 Definition: V#Annotation:Name("Comment")
    'Col2 Definition: V#Annotation:UD8#DynamicTextCons:Name("Consolidated")

    'UD8 Member setup
    'Name: DynamicTextCons <-- If this is changed it must be updated in the CV Col2 definition above.
    'Formula Type: DynamicCalc
    'Allow Input: True
    'Is Consolidated: False
    'In Use: True

    'Assign the formula below to the UD8 member to show the consolidated text
    Dim iEntityID As Integer = api.pov.Entity.MemberId
    Dim iETestID As Integer
    Dim strETestName As String = String.empty
    Dim eTest As Member
    Dim sSave As String = String.empty
    Dim sSource As String = String.empty

    If api.View.IsAnnotationType Then
    If api.Entity.HasChildren() Then

    For Each etest In api.Members.GetDescendents(api.Dimensions.GetBaseDim(dimtypeid.Entity).DimPk, iEntityID)
    iETestID = etest.MemberId

    sSource = api.Data.GetDataCellEx("U5#ISV_PM_Periodic_Actual:U8#None:E#[" & etest.Name & "]:C#USD").DataCellAnnotation
    If Not sSource.Equals(String.Empty) Then
    sSave = sSave.Trim & "; " & eTest.Name & ": " & sSource
    End If

    sSource = api.Data.GetDataCellEx("U5#ISV_PM_Periodic_Actual:U8#None:E#[" & api.pov.entity.Name & "]").DataCellAnnotation

    If Not sSource.Equals(String.Empty) Then
    sSave = ";" & sSource
    End If
    End If
    End If

    If Not sSave.Equals(String.Empty) Then

    Return right(sSave, len(sSave)-1).Trim

    End If