Forum Discussion

Andy1's avatar
New Contributor II
2 years ago

Best Approach to Exporting Dashboards Outside of OneStream?

We have built a set of dashboards for our client within OneStream and the requirement is to be able to export and distribute these dashboards outside of OneStream. 

We have previously gone the route of exporting to PowerPoint, however, we are struggling with the cube views replacing the images, formatting, not bringing over any editable text, etc.. overall, a lot of work for a poor result. 

Are there any other options to exporting dashboards? Ideal result is to get as close as we can to what we are seeing in the OneStream dashboards and just extract them. 

Any advice is greatly appreciated!

  • RobbSalzmann's avatar
    Valued Contributor II

    Its pretty common to want to present data to an audience beyond the application's user base.  The tricky part is the formatting.

    Its usually easier to export the data in a mostly unformatted form to a staging area and curate formatted presentation from there.  e.g. in excel or google sheets, land the data in a hidden page and reference.  Or use a data warehouse to report out of..

    Unfortunately the nicely crafted landing pages and formatted dashboards, bi viewer, charts etc, within OneStream are specific to the application and its ability to present them in the desktop UI.

    My understanding is Power BI in future versions will provide a means for enhancing the things you're wanting to do.  

    • JackLacava's avatar
      Community Manager

      RobbSalzmann wrote:

      the nicely crafted landing pages and formatted dashboards, bi viewer, charts etc, within OneStream are specific to the application and its ability to present them in the desktop UI

      BrowserUX is coming...

  • RobbSalzmann's avatar
    Valued Contributor II

    It will help to know a couple of things:
    1. why are you wanting to export everything in a dashboard?
    2. what are you exporting to?
    Also, what is your plan to replicate the functionality of things like buttons, menus, and comboboxes?

    • Andy1's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Hi Robb,

      1 - To be able to distribute the information displayed in the dashboards to a broader audience 

      2 - Currently working on exporting to pptx. However, like mentioned in the initial post, this doesn't allow for any text values to be brought over and just converts to an image that is hard to format and get displayed correctly. Open to exporting to anything (PDF, Excel) whatever would be the best to match the views already in OneStream. 

      There is no need to replicate the functionality of buttons/menus/comboboxes etc. The user can work with those things within the application itself (and get the views to desired state), and then just export in its final form. 

      Thanks for the interest and willingness!