When using the Book functionalities, one could loop parameters and change variables.
That being said, I am looping a UD1 parameter (parameter name : MY_UD1), that is used by an XFCELL func...
I'm not sure what 'P004' is denoting, but the 'Parameter Values' line should be formatted like: 'ParameterName=Value', so my guess is it should say "MY_UD1_VALUE=..." instead of "P004=...".
After further testing, I was able to make it to run.
Books will not work with Powerpoints 😞
You can use the "Change Parameter" function and it will work just like in BIV dashboard, meaning that you can assign a value, or just like I did you can affect an XFCell that would refer to the Loop1Variable (if you have a variable being looped). This is important to do this otherwise the dependant parameter will not be updated
In order to make it to run, I had to recreate the powerpoint in an *.XFDoc.docx document, then loop MY_UD1_VALUE to each elements in UD1, then apply a "Change Variable" for the parameter P004 which is dependant of MY_UD1_VALUE :
Overall view :
Change variable 1 :
Change variable 2 :
If statement ( generate a page only when UD1 is not 0 ) :