Forum Discussion

cebalorena's avatar
New Contributor II
3 years ago

Cell Type Date

In a cube view, the row and/or column sets can be set to Cell Type “Combo Box” or "Date" Time, if Date is chosen  a cool calendar and a time display will allow users to select a specific date and time in a data cell, however , the display format is not correct, cell formatting does not work  , this this bcs I am using the annotation view? 

  • bparadis's avatar
    New Contributor

    I'm sure you figured this out by now but for future readers I'll respond. I had this exact same issue today. I think it's because the Cell Type of Date doesn't like the view of Annotation. I needed the rest of the cube view to still be Annotation so in the member filter for that date row I put a view filter of Periodic on my account and it solved the problem (e.g A#Account:V#Periodic). 

  • Hello,

    What happens when you try number format MM/dd/yyyy with view "Periodic" and view "annotation"?

  • cebalorena's avatar
    New Contributor II

    Hi Bharti

    well.. If the period is closed the cells get locked., if period is Open, the combo box is not available anymore and the calendar format MM/dd/yyyy still does not work