Forum Discussion

BabuJayaraman's avatar
New Contributor II
2 years ago

Member formula - Account Type

I have an issue with the member formula with the below condition. It checks for Account Type Revenue or Expense. However if the Account Type is Revenue or Expense, still the condition is not met. Is there any issue with the way the condition is written?

If api.Account.GetAccountType(api.pov.account.memberid).Equals("Expense") _
Or api.Account.GetAccountType(api.pov.account.memberid).Equals("Revenue") Then

  Return 1

End If

  • EricOsmanski's avatar
    2 years ago

    Alternatively, you could use this below:

    If api.Account.GetAccountType(api.Pov.Account.MemberId) = AccountType.Revenue OrElse api.Account.GetAccountType(api.Pov.Account.MemberId) = AccountType.Expense Then

  • Hi BabuJayaraman , 
    You are close. Try this:

    Dim acctTypePov As AccountType = api.Account.GetAccountType(api.pov.account.memberid)
    Dim isIncStmtAcct As Boolean = 
    	acctTypePov.Equals(AccountType.Expense) OrElse
    If isIncStmtAcct Then
    	Return 1
    End If


  • In your call you are getting the account type object, and you need to use the name property of that object to check for account type name.

    This should work  

    If api.Account.GetAccountType(api.pov.account.memberid).Name.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("expense") Or
    api.Account.GetAccountType(api.pov.account.memberid).Name.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("Revenue") Then
    End If



  • RobbSalzmann's avatar
    Valued Contributor II

    Hi BabuJayaraman , 
    You are close. Try this:

    Dim acctTypePov As AccountType = api.Account.GetAccountType(api.pov.account.memberid)
    Dim isIncStmtAcct As Boolean = 
    	acctTypePov.Equals(AccountType.Expense) OrElse
    If isIncStmtAcct Then
    	Return 1
    End If


  • Hi Babu,

    To complement Omkareshwar's answer, an image of the AccountType object that you can find after clicking in "Objects"

    Good luck.




    • EricOsmanski's avatar
      Valued Contributor

      Alternatively, you could use this below:

      If api.Account.GetAccountType(api.Pov.Account.MemberId) = AccountType.Revenue OrElse api.Account.GetAccountType(api.Pov.Account.MemberId) = AccountType.Expense Then

  • This is what I use as part of a process I do to create a "traditional" trial balance for a few clients. This works for me.
    Dim povAcct As Integer = api.Pov.Account.MemberId
    Dim povAcctType As AccountType = api.Account.GetAccountType(povAcct)
    If povAcctType.Name = "Asset" Or povAcctType.Name = "Expense" Then
    Return 1
    Return Nothing
    End If