Has anyone had success with the change parameters (Variables)? I have several reports that all have a simple substitution variable |CVTimeDesc|. When running the book, I would like to change that V...
Thanks for the response. I do understand the difference between variables and parameters. I'm struggling with using the change parameter function in the report book itself. I want to change the variable to something different at run-time.
Are there variables and substitution variables different? If we are unable to change, then why does the application have a "change parameter - variable" section is in book? I assumed it would work the same as Parameters, where I can define an answer, but its not working.
Hey Sean, here’s an example from my book that might help clarify things: In the Change Parameter, I'm adding a Loop1Variable.
In my loop, I define a process where a specific number of Projects are returned. For each project, I run a set of reports, with each report using the current project (from the loop) to generate different results.
In your case, it seems like you don’t need a loop. Instead, you just need a custom variable (create that in the dashboard as a member list). This will prompt for the specific information you want in each interaction.
Yeah, I don't believe I need a loop either. I'm struggling with why I can't just define the variable like I'm doing for parameters all inside the change parameter itself.
For example, in the same book.. parameters are changing with this setup. However, the variable, CVTimeDesc is not though.
CVTimeDesc is anchored to the CubeView Time member of the report you are running. It will only change if underlying CubeView POV for time changes.
If you are looking for a Time DIM member prompt, you can create a custom variable such as prm_TimeSelect as either a Member List or Member Dialogue type and update the Member Filter for the desired time range.