Forum Discussion

Kjarrus's avatar
New Contributor
2 months ago

Cube view: Excel formatting: Header text underline


Can the Excel format be set on the cube view so that the header font can be underlined, for example? 

New Product Analysis instead of adding a guideline for the entire header cell?

  • Ioana's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Hi Kjarrus,

    As far as I know, for Excel you can only add bottom borders, which will underline the entire header cell.

    • Kjarrus's avatar
      New Contributor

      Thank you for sharing Ioana.  That's where we are right now. I already suggested to the team that we can either add a bottom border line, make it as bold, or use a different background color due to the limitation of Excel. The feedback was it didn't look as clean as we expected.  Hopefully, this feature will become available soon to meet the needs of former Excel report readers 😉