Forum Discussion

graessda's avatar
New Contributor II
3 years ago

Drill Down for "Show 0.0 in Cube View Data Cell instead of blank cell"

Hi community,

refering to the solved request in the link:

Solved: Show 0.0 in Cube View Data Cell instead of blank cell - OneStream Community (

Is it also possible to get a drill down here? That doesn´t work with the described UD8 anymore.


  • You'll have to specify a formula for drilldown, see the section "Formulas for Calculation Drill Down" in the Design and Reference Guide. The example below shows an option to determine what to look at (switching on storage type of the cell), you don't necessarily need to do it this way - what matters is that you call the result.SourceDataCells.Add() method to point the system in the direction of the intersections you want to list in the interface.

    Dim result As New DrillDownFormulaResult()
    If args.DrillDownArgs.RequestedDataCell.CellStatus.StorageType = _
             DataCellStorageType.Calculation Then
        ‘Use this to drill down to data that was copied using a Scenario Formula.
         result.Explanation = “Formula Definition: Actual = Budget”
    Else If args.DrillDownArgs.RequestedDataCell.CellStatus.StorageType = _ 
             DataCellStorageType.Input Then
         ‘Use this to drill down to data that was copied using Data Management.
         result.Explanation = “Data Management Defintion: Actual = Budget”
    End If
    Return Result



  • JackLacava's avatar
    Community Manager

    You'll have to specify a formula for drilldown, see the section "Formulas for Calculation Drill Down" in the Design and Reference Guide. The example below shows an option to determine what to look at (switching on storage type of the cell), you don't necessarily need to do it this way - what matters is that you call the result.SourceDataCells.Add() method to point the system in the direction of the intersections you want to list in the interface.

    Dim result As New DrillDownFormulaResult()
    If args.DrillDownArgs.RequestedDataCell.CellStatus.StorageType = _
             DataCellStorageType.Calculation Then
        ‘Use this to drill down to data that was copied using a Scenario Formula.
         result.Explanation = “Formula Definition: Actual = Budget”
    Else If args.DrillDownArgs.RequestedDataCell.CellStatus.StorageType = _ 
             DataCellStorageType.Input Then
         ‘Use this to drill down to data that was copied using Data Management.
         result.Explanation = “Data Management Defintion: Actual = Budget”
    End If
    Return Result



    • graessda's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Hi Jack,

      Thank you. With this I´ve found the solution for this specific U8 member:

      Dim result As New DrillDownFormulaResult


      Return Result