Forum Discussion

FlorisvdPoel's avatar
3 years ago

Extensible documents - reports

Hi everyone,

I want to retrieve a report component into my PowerPoint, using the extensible documents and the Alt Text functionality of PowerPoint. I have created a graph within a report component. As you can see in the picture below, I have created the graph within the ReportHeader1 section of the report, and it shows data when it's run. 

However, when I open the extensible document PowerPoint, it just shows a black window. The picture has the following Alt Text: 


PageNumber=1, CropLeft=0, CropTop=0, CropWidth=0, CropHeight=0, Zoom=100, MaintainAspectRatio=False, FillMode=Height, Anchor=TopLeft, IncludeBorders=False, IncludeReportMargins=False, IncludeReportHeader=False, IncludeReportFooter=False, IncludePageHeader=False, IncludePageFooter=False.

This is the outcome:

Any help would be much appreciated.


Kind regards,

Floris van der Poel

  • Hi Floris,

    So silly question first: Is your dashboard report called "Development"?

    Does the report generate without the additional formatting options i.e. PageNumber=1, etc?

    Third:  Instead of using a dashboard report, have you tried pulling in the chart directly into Powerpoint using {XF}{Application}{Chart}{yourDashboardChartComponentName} ?


  • Cosimo's avatar
    Contributor II

    Hi Floris,

    So silly question first: Is your dashboard report called "Development"?

    Does the report generate without the additional formatting options i.e. PageNumber=1, etc?

    Third:  Instead of using a dashboard report, have you tried pulling in the chart directly into Powerpoint using {XF}{Application}{Chart}{yourDashboardChartComponentName} ?


    • FlorisvdPoel's avatar

      Hi Cosimo,

      Sharp eye, the document is indeed not called "Development". However, I did this for security/privacy reasons and just called it development. The naming part is correct in the extensible doc and equals the report component name.

      Removing the additional formatting options works like a charm. Thanks so much. Only thing is that now the legend is gone... I will play around with the options coming Monday.

      I did not import the chart from a chart component because I need a combo chart with lines and bars. I did not find a way to do this in a chart component. If you know ways, or guides that explain how to do this, would be great! 

      Thanks for your help, for now it works great except for the legend. Will keep you posted on my progress on that.

      Thanks for your help Cosimo.

      Enjoy the weekend.