Forum Discussion

agoralewski's avatar
Community Manager
3 years ago

Fact or Fiction? The Member Filter Builder provides examples of calculations


The Member Filter Builder provides examples of calculations

Question Credit: Becca Speese

Is this statement fact or fiction?

Comment your best guess below! Answers will be revealed in one week.

* This question is applicable to Platform 7.3.0 and may not be relevant to future releases

  • MikeG's avatar
    Contributor III

    FACT.  You could make an argument that it is Fiction, but it's Fact because the member formula examples are GetDataCell() calls that do dynamic math to present a result in a report, it does not store the result in the database like a calculation does, however.  I'd say Fact for this, because but I could understand the Fiction answer, as someone may interpret a Calculation to be intended to store the result in the DB (  One could make a sound argument for either Fact or Fiction on this one.  Interested to see other responses to the thread.