Forum Discussion

BabuJayaraman's avatar
New Contributor II
2 years ago

FX Rates

Is there an audit on FX rates, to see who updated the FX rates?

  • you can refer to the AuditFXRate table in the application database and find out who updated and when based on the source and destionation currency id 

  • Check that you have the standard System / Application Reports from Marketplace:


  • JackLacava's avatar
    Community Manager

    Check that you have the standard System / Application Reports from Marketplace:


    • chris_rothermel's avatar

      What about the actual FX Rate Amount?  How can we audit the amount?

      I'm looking at the standard report.  There are two reports in report group "FX Rates Audit."  The first is the "FX Rates Lock/Unlock Audit" and the second is the "FX Rates Current Status."

      I've locked periods 10, 11, and 12.  Then I unlocked period 10.  The first report shows this unlocked/locked activity.

      While the second report shows period 10 is unlocked, while periods 11 and 12 are locked. 

      In both the audit portion shows the specific rate type, period, locked/unlocked status, User, and Date/Time.

      I was expecting to see the actual FX Rates.  If I were to investigate a currency restatement to explain a variance I'd want to know what the actual rates were before and after the change.  The reports show who is locking/unlocking the rates however there are no rates in the report.

      Standard Application Reports PV 610 SV 100




  • dipayan_roy's avatar
    New Contributor

    you can refer to the AuditFXRate table in the application database and find out who updated and when based on the source and destionation currency id