11 months agoContributor II
FX Rates automation
New to OS and I have requirement to automate fx rates in OS. Is it possible?
We have FX repository in Oracle so, thinking to pull from there but not sure how can we load to central FX repository.
Couple different ways to do it, but always recommend using the BRApi functions instead of writing directly to the database directly. There is a table called FXrate that the application uses to store the information for FXRates. You can use the SetFxRate function to insert/update this table with the values from your ERP from a Connector Business Rule if you want to take that approach.
pranav46 - See below is an example
if (rateType == "Average Rate") { FxRatePkUsingNames fxTargetRatePkUsingNames = new FxRatePkUsingNames("AverageRate", "2023M8", tocurrency, basecurrency); FxRateUsingNames objFxTargetRateUsingNames = new FxRateUsingNames(fxTargetRatePkUsingNames, amount); XFResult objXFResult = BRApi.Finance.Data.SetFxRate(si, objFxTargetRateUsingNames); }
but it is C# but you can convert into VB DOt Net