Forum Discussion

AJ's avatar
New Contributor III
3 years ago

Journal report for multiple workflows

Hi All,

We have a requirement to get journal report for all entities irrespective of which workflow was used to post the journals

Example - There are different BU related workflow ( example BU M workflow )which has individual BU related entities assigned and there is another work flow - Central Group Adjustments which does not have any entity assignment.

Users from BU M workflows would like to see all the journals posted via Central Group Adjustments which are related to BU M entities.

We have different securities for each BU workflows and Central Group Adjustments as well. Basically all BU users should not have access to Central Group Adjustments workflow , but they would like see / view all the journal posted for respective workflow assigned entities. 

We can always have an option to give read only access to Central Group Adjustments , but just wanted to check if there is any report which shows all the journals posted from another workflows as well ( assuming users have access to those entities but not the workflow)

Thanks in advance,





  • I don't know if you looked at the Standard Application Reports from the Marketplace.  There is one specifically called Journal Reports under Data Entry.  This report allows you to see journals by status, by entities and accounts.   Even if you don't like the report, you can copy how it is set up and modify it.

    You will need to look at your security, because if users do not have access to view the journals, no report will work.

    • AJ's avatar
      New Contributor III

      Thank you PFugereCSO 

      I will check it as well.

      Users do have access to journals which they have posted via their workflows , however requirement here is to get the all journals posted via different workflows for same entities.


      I will look for marketplace solutions.



      • NickLaFave's avatar
        New Contributor II

        Hello all,

        Similar to the question posed above, we have successfully installed the "Standard Application Reports" marketplace solution and can view the "Journal Detail" reports by workflow based on the user's selected Workflow POV.  Is there a way to leverage this same report to pull all journals for all workflows, regardless of a user's selected Workflow POV?

