Forum Discussion

AndreaF's avatar
Contributor III
2 years ago

Linking data management sequence to combo-box selection in dashboard

Hi, sorry I always get a bit confused on how to use parameters in data management sequences/steps.

I have a dashboard with: a combo-box that let users select an Entity member; a cube-view which Pov is based on the combo-box selection; a button which runs a data management sequence.

The combo-box bound parameter uses a member list.

The data management sequence contains only one step, which is a custom calculate.

I would like the data management step to run on the selected Entity member (the one selected in the combo-box). How do I link the Entity of the data management step to the selected Entity member?

With the current Entity filter setup in the data management step:

- I can run the step from Application/Data management page and I am prompted to select an Entity. No issue in this case.
- I receive an error if running the data management sequence from the dashboard (Summary: Error processing Data Management Step 'Plan_Growth_Adjs'. Invalid parameter. Entity Filter, |!prm_plan_bu_entity!|.)


Thank you

  • The solution has been:

    In the dashboard button, add a parameter when calling the data management sequence, and set the parameter equal to the combo-box bound parameter.

    In the data management set, use the parameter defined in the dashboard button (and not the combo-box bound parameter as I was initially doing)


  • AndreaF's avatar
    Contributor III

    The solution has been:

    In the dashboard button, add a parameter when calling the data management sequence, and set the parameter equal to the combo-box bound parameter.

    In the data management set, use the parameter defined in the dashboard button (and not the combo-box bound parameter as I was initially doing)