Forum Discussion

bjornliow's avatar
New Contributor III
2 years ago

Nested Parameter with Different Dimensions

Is there a way to have a nested parameter with different dimensions?

Example: If I select Year = 2020, the next prompt will ask me to select a Scenario

The example I saw in the Design & Reference Guide used the same dimension, so I'm not sure if this is possible. 

  • A nested Parameter is basically just a Parameter that will use another Parameter somewhere in its configuration. As long as you can reference "Parameter A" somewhere in the setup of "Parameter B", it doesn't matter what dimension it's working with - you're just passing a bit of text around.

    In your case, let's say you have a "ParamYear" that will contain the year, and that your Scenarios have a year in the name (e.g. Forecast2025v1, Forecast2026v3, etc). In the configuration of "ParamScenario", you could have a filter like this:
    S#Root.Base.Where(Name Contains |!ParamYear!|)

  • JackLacava's avatar
    Community Manager

    A nested Parameter is basically just a Parameter that will use another Parameter somewhere in its configuration. As long as you can reference "Parameter A" somewhere in the setup of "Parameter B", it doesn't matter what dimension it's working with - you're just passing a bit of text around.

    In your case, let's say you have a "ParamYear" that will contain the year, and that your Scenarios have a year in the name (e.g. Forecast2025v1, Forecast2026v3, etc). In the configuration of "ParamScenario", you could have a filter like this:
    S#Root.Base.Where(Name Contains |!ParamYear!|)

    • bjornliow's avatar
      New Contributor III

      Thanks for the explanation Jack. Unfortunately my scenarios do not have any obvious relation with the year, so I can't use the "Where(Name Contains xx)" filter.

      I was able to create a parameter for CubeView templates and that was a work around.

      For my future tests, is there a way to make the member filter conditional with IF statements? Eg: If |!ParamYear!| = 2025, Scenario = Forecast, if |!ParamYear!| = 2024, Scenario = Actual

      • JackLacava's avatar
        Community Manager

        This is typically achieved by using Text properties to tag members (in this case, Scenarios), and then filter with something like .Where(Text1 = |!ParamYear!|). Those properties can typically differ by Time period too, so they can change year by year.